ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Crowds can lie or be deluded, sure. There’s a lot of tension and people can be blinded by hatred even if that hatred is justified.

In spite of this, I know the cops would lie. They do it 100% of the time if they have to. Is this a time they’re telling the truth? I doubt it, but possible. They have done nothing to earn the benefit of the doubt, though. Let’s see the bodycams.

This isn’t a meme but:


I might believe that if my job weren’t like 4 times as dangerous as being a cop.


Some cops have to die for the 2nd amendment. That should not be displaced onto citizens. Nobody has to be a cop. Sucks, but they are compensated well beyond their level of risk.


Ok I’m done. I’m not gonna fight the all cops love killing people and all shootings are equally murder unless a gun is aimed at your head crowd. I knew I should have just shut the hell up. Realism not allowed on an emotional topic like this.

You probably won’t watch these but I’ll post them again. Very graphic. There are tons more. I’m deliberately not embedding them. A cop posted these on chiefsplanet and said they teach these at the police academy. Yeah I know CP but this guy is generally pretty reasonable. and

They show the literal worst stuff they can find at Police Academy. They should show the dead bodies and families of all the people cops kill.

They kill roughly 1000 people per year. The number actually justified is probably in the low double digits.


You can feel that way. But to expect a cop to take say a 10% risk of getting shot world with human cops and armed bad guys isn’t remotely realistic imo.

Some of the stuff you are saying is right, but cops are absolutely terrified beyond reason and dehumanize non-cops and they are indoctrinated to default to immediate maximal violence so as to have as close to no risk as possible.


Both my parents were cops. In the “most dangerous” city in Canada. They are both frequently outraged at how American cops operate and are protected. It doesnt have to be like this, youre the only country on earth that operates like this.


“the man WAS armed” seems like another way of saying he was disarmed.


I’ll give you the heart nevertheless. Fucking bartenders die on the job more often than cops! Fuck off with that dangerous job shit.


If only my mom had done the same.

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I also am completely outraged by the stuff cops do here. I just try to ascertain what really happened before I completely flip out. Which is my whole point that started this. If we’re going to freak out and immediatley assume every shooting is bad it’s going to be a long long rest of our lives.

If nothing else you guys should get the idea that I spend a ton of time and effort trying to figure out what actually happened in these protests and the recent protest shootings. And that’s all I’m doing with these cop shootings. Sometimes the facts don’t always match the initial story that comes out.


If the cops shot and killed say, 50 people a year, or whatever similar amount per capita of other countries this would be fine. When cops kill on average, 3 people a day we just don’t have the time to litigate every single case individually.

And we know that’s all it takes.

Pretty sure at least 9 of those 10.8 deaths are traffic accidents too. If someone decides to randomly kill you then you have shit luck, but assuming everyone is about to do that leads to a lot of needless death. Try not being a coward if you’re going into law enforcement, if you get murdered by someone unknown to you then shit happens, same thing for everyone else that is randomly murdered


I mean, I get that cops have a risky job, but that’s sort of why they get so much status and prestige in our society? Yeah, we expect them to take risks, that’s why there are First Responder Appreciation Days at baseball stadiums and why they are so idolized in our society. Maybe get another job if you can’t handle the danger.

If you wanna boss around poor minorities without the risk become a landlord.


Shit, just work for a landlord.


Last I heard it was half traffic accidents, half homicides.