ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

bout tree fiddy

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“There are parties after shootings. They call them ‘998 parties.’ Some people say it’s to celebrate the deputy is alive. Others say it’s to celebrate that they’re going to be ‘inking’ somebody.”

Gonzalez, testifying for nearly six hours under oath, said the existence of the clique was “common knowledge” at the station and that the gang’s so-called shot caller controlled the work schedule and their actions boosted arrest numbers.

Just cops being cops.

I could use some good socks.

Beat Bunions Better


I think this is probably accurate. Enough people are saying it in that twitter thread.

So we got these guys spraying people with paintballs and bear spray and maybe also armed. Seems like self-defense is gonna be fairly easy to claim.

Yep - just out here promoting Christianity and small government.

Um, the LAPD shot someone dead. Crowds gathering.

Either that or the gun is a plant. It’s insane.

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Feel a little guilty about this:


If we’re going to do this every time the police shoot someone in the US it’s going to be a long long - rest of our lives.

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I would assume the idea is eventually it won’t be. And probably the only chance of that is if we do it every.single.time.


Honestly, this video isn’t enough. The images matter a lot and the murder has to be caught on tape to cause real unrest. The aftermath won’t do it. Police have been murdering black people post-Floyd and the one that erupts is where the guy didn’t die, because of the egregious video

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Looks like about 3 a day. Clear your schedule.

I’m all for going after cops for bad shootings.

I’m not as much for assuming every single shooting is a bad shooting until we have proof to the contrary.

I also think there are degrees between murder (Floyd) and incompetent judgement and panic (Blake).

And I recognize that the initial information is not always accurate. The cops were called because of Blake, by his girlfriend who said he took her keys and shouldn’t be there. Also the first video didn’t show him getting free of a struggle. There also was some kind of weapons charge on Blake, which is relevant because the cops would have known about because the call was for him.

Supposedly he said he had a knife, and it may have even been on him - which explains why they didn’t tackle him. Maybe that’s a lie. But there were witnesses in close range the whole time. So it’s harder to just make something like that up and plant a knife (although I’m sure not impossible).

Note - I have not independently verified 100% of this. So if something is wrong I apologize. But a lot of it came out in the cnn article.

Again - massive fail by the cops. But someone struggling free then going back to their car is one of their biggest nightmares.

The burden of proof is the other way. If it’s justified, release the bodycam footage immediately. Otherwise I’m going with the crowd that witnessed it.


What is the crowd saying in this LA shooting?

The crowd said Blake was there to break up a fight. Which may have been true but it wasn’t the whole story. The call was on him, which changes the equation. But that didn’t come out until days later.

Fuck that. Nurses have to deal with large, non-compliant, belligerent people that they have to restrain every day, and they kill none of them. UK cops kill like 3 people a year, and almost all of them are people actually shooting at cops, not just “reaching for the waistband.” You have bought into too much copaganda about what constitutes a justified killing.


I wouldn’t come to a conclusion one way or the other, but way more than half of what cops call assault on an officer is total BS. I’m not even believing “punch” isn’t either absolutely or virtually no contact.

If every idiot in the US wasn’t armed to the teeth this would all be true. The cops do have a legitimate reason to be afraid for their lives in USA #129. Even if the odds are low, when you’ve watched videos of other cops getting killed in a very similar situation - you’re going to remember it.

Nurses have no other option but to deal with the idiots.

I’m not saying the cops couldn’t do a much better job. We need better people cops and better training and less cops and community policing and all that. And mostly we need to change the laws that give cops blanket immunity. But saying cops shouldn’t legit fear for their lives when someone who’s not acting rationally, is fighting the cops, didn’t respond to a taser, has a weapons charge, and (probably) has announced they’re armed with a knife - wrenches free from a struggle and tries to get back into their own car is not realistic imo.

Just to be clear, I think the cop could have and should have not shot Blake. And a better cop might have. But even the better cop would have known he’s taking a risk Blake pulls a gun out of the car.

Most cops don’t actually want to shoot people. It’s the worst day of their lives. The guy in one of the videos I posted earlier clearly should have shot his perp and didn’t when he had the chance, then ended up dead. It seemed like he couldn’t pull the trigger.

Copping ain’t even dangerous, bro. Can a mensch do me a solid and pull up the meme I’m thinking of with the cop on the podium? Let me know when cops die more than roofers, and then I’ll think about relaxing my standards.


That attitude is what causes the cops to murder a shit ton of people a year. If you tell the cops it is reasonable to be scared for your life in normal, police interactions, these shootings will continue forever. This is not how it works anywhere else on earth.