ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I was expected to handle wires with 450 volts today at Leonardo Di Caprio’s house and no one seemed to think expecting me to do it was urealistic.

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Unless they get a cool ink party.


I do think cops are way too shoot happy and there should be standards that put them more at risk like they have to see a gun in the hand. And the more I think about it the Blake shooting was a bad bad shooting because there was never an indication of a gun and none of those cops were in danger from a knife.

WHICH I POSTED if you recall. Like I said I’m just trying to be realistic. I don’t think all cops do ink parties. But holy crap we need to weed out the ones who do. Those whistleblower cops who came forward are heroes (I know most of you still hate them but hero cops or whatever).

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A lab I used to work in, people routinely took 3kV shocks, not sure why you’re boasting about 450V.

I know. I think you are mostly right with small town police. But with big city police im not so sure.

Definitely not the ones that have a rotten culture like LA cops.

There are a lot of factors involved. A static shock from walking on carpet in dry air can be 20000 volts. In the case of the 450 volts I was handling it could well have been fatal…but, really not that dangerous because I pretty much knew what I was doing.

Did you score any of his socks?



A few hundred mV across the heart is fatal IIRC, all depends on the context.

So far there doesn’t seem to be anything on twitter about the LA shooting.

Ive done at least five of those. Where is my big pension and milked overtime.

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Just be grateful you’re still alive and stop being so entitled.

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There needs to be a way to just fire entire police departments and start over - like baseball did with the umps a long time ago. Except the umps overplayed their hands and quit. And then baseball didn’t hire back the assholes.

When they talk about something across your heart being fatal it’s usually current - like a few hundred mA. Whether or not a certain voltage can cause that current to go across your heart depends on resistance and obviously where your body contacts the source and where it can return. I’m pretty sure the reason a static shock (or probably those super high voltage shocks in your lab) isn’t that dangerous is because it’s an extremely extremely fast discharge.

The second clip seems pretty close to attempted suicide by cop. I wonder what happens in a world where this person instead encountered a mental health worker or civilian traffic patrol, instead of a police officer.

That dude was a Vietnam vet that suffered severe PTSD, and he pretty obviously was trying to commit suicide.

My friends in college got pulled over for expired plates. They were both looking in or at the glove box and felt a little bump. A drunk driver just scraped the cop clean off the side of the car w/o hitting their car at all. They watched the cop die. He was local and had a family. Really sucked. You don’t see cops approach the driver’s side much anymore on a highway.

Yeah the cop could probably tell that. He really didn’t want to shoot the guy.