ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

There is some stuff. Looks like the protests are in South Central? 109th and Budlong. 75-100 protesters so far.

Holy crap.


I’d hate to see a poorly regulated militia.


Man, I would love for these pieces of shit to really know what it’s like to be a against a well-regulated militia.

We need to lionize snitching.

If this is true, and experience tells us to believe it is, fuck.

Why are they so mad at Wheeler again?

Cops just arrested a press girl in Portland and are actively pushing press around. Sorry I’m bad at linking live streams.

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I feel really bad for him. The odds of this ending well for him are not good. The range of bad outcomes is scary.

He is the acting police commissioner…

I’d agree but the issue is only a certain type (kyle rittenhouse for one example) want to become cops, especially in the US I assume. In my opinion this all requires a massive cultural paradigm shift (away from fearing everybody, zero sense of community, zero altruism) which doesn’t really start at organisational level but community wide and so will probably never happen given it seems like Americans are more stubborn against cultural change than ever.

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This is wrong.

People shooting at coppers here is quite rarely a reason for their killing.

Deaths die to being shot by a copper here are on the rise, but the preferred method has always been strangulation in situ or being kicked down a long flight of stairs with a fatal beating thrown in (“s/he slipped and fell”) at the station.

The 2011 riots were sparked by coppers controversially shooting and killing a man in his car who they claim was armed and resisting arrest on grounds of planning an attack using a gun. They had probably been watching too much US TV.

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they let child soldiers carry ar15s unsupervised in regulated militias?

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Yeah in West Africa.

West Africa isn’t a country.

Alright nerd …liberia, cote d’ivoire etc. Regardless, I would compare those countries to the USA in the era of roaming militias