ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Good lord.

Wow, uniformed firefighter testifying about not being allowed to help the dying man she witnessed being murdered. Then calls 911 to report the police. This is going to be devastating for the defense.


I”m just amazed how many facts about this case did not get reported by the news (or at least did not get widespread attention). This is just so much more damning then it seemed at first blush. And at first blush it was pretty fucking damning.

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Really curious to see how the defense attorney cross-examines the woman who pulls victims out of burning buildings for a living.

Chauvin threatening to mace the EMT was insane. This guy is completely out of control and it was only a matter of time before he killed someone.

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Has anyone reported whether Chauvin is going to testify? I don’t think it would be a good idea, but have not heard. And just a reminder that sometimes jury decisions are just confounding. The Casey Anthony case is a good example. I have a high school friend who became a criminal court judge. He said she was going to be convicted. Easily.

Absolute fucking insanity. It’s just unheard of. A fucking firefighter who identifies herself as such.

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Honestly pleading guilty without a deal probably would have been the best thing for Chauvin after Barr axed his sweetheart deal. The facts here just seem horrible, and a Minneapolis jury? Fuckkkkkkk.

What would happen if Chauvin pled guilty to everything but the second degree murder charge without a deal. Has something like that ever happened, then they have a trial for the top charge?

Casey Anthony wasn’t dumb enough to film herself killing her daughter.

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True. But we don’t know how much weight will be given to the “drug overdose” defense. Wouldn’t surprise me if that’s a really long and detailed and contentious though boring part of the testimony.

Jose Baez. Dude even got AH off on the double murder charge.

Kinda surprised he’s not involved in this one actually.



At the end of this trial the defense lawyer will, correctly, emphasize that the jury MUST be convinced BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. If any of the jury are racist enough they will fall back on this to justify acquittal. “Sure, I think he did it, but the defense didn’t prove it beyond a reasonable doubt!”

Baez’s greatest strength is showing a jury the prosecution doesn’t have enough evidence to convict. That ain’t the case here. He probably wants absolutely nothing to do with it.

That would be a strategically poor decision. His best bet has to be a compromise verdict where jury acquits on top charge or something. If he pleads to everything else he gives away that possibility.

Nah, these facts are so fucking egregious even racists can be like “see, I’m not racist! I convicted this guy!”

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I missed her cross but it sounds like she didn’t do so great. Never fight with the defense attorney as a witness and NEVER argue with the judge in front of the jury. Media seems to be reporting that’s what happened.

I lived in Hennepin County. It’s huge. Over a million people. Wide range of demographics. Contains a major city and is something like only 13% African American.

Lake Minnetonka in the Southwest is lots of very rich people. The whole area in the West and Northwest is all rural. Lots of institutional and redneck Republicans outside the highway ring. I lived in Maple Grove and we had Republican in US Congress. Generally the establishment kind. High probability a deplorable on the jury if the prosecutor didn’t do their job really well.

Evidence is overwhelming but a hung jury even in the bottom count wouldn’t surprise me. It’s not like Philadelphia county here which is pretty much just the city and first tier suburbs.

Hen county != Mpls. Also the suburbs have become even more blue in the last 20 years. I don’t see some trumper squeaking through to hang this jury. We’ll see.

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