ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I hope not but I was on a illegal gun possession jury and on initial polling two jurors were against any form of gun control (this was in Illinois). Thankfully the defendant was clearly terrorizing his ex wife and they found it possible to set aside their 2nd amendment ideas on one set of charges so we could convict. So basically we acquitted on one circumstance did possession and convicted on the other.

Depends if anyone from Loretto or Maple Plain type towns made it on. I’ve seen demographics but not hometowns.

It’s still hard for me not to think that his best shot is just hoping for the pretty high likelihood of one or more racist bootlickers is on the jury who refuse(s) to convict cops doing their job (subjugating Black people).

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Do these witnesses have any legal right to refuse if they don’t want to be broadcast live nationally on the air?

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I doubt it. Children are not put on camera. But not sure why adults would have that option. They don’t have the option of not being seen in the courtroom as they testify. The cameras are simply a window into a courtroom that the public has the right to enter. (Covid protocols exempted)

Man this defense attorney doesn’t seem to be particularly good. Perhaps he’s just got a super bad case or will come alive later, but he seems to do very poorly with the “youtes” so to speak.

He’s not good. I keep contrasting this with the Zimmerman case where Mark O’Mara was really really good.



I mean how do you defend him? He knelt on the guy’s neck for over 9 minutes. Go kneel on a pillow for 9 minutes. IDK about you, but I couldn’t last more than a minute or two before my back started bothering me.

Jeez that video of them cuffing him coming out of his vehicle, and then walking him to the chinese restaurant, him sitting there then getting him up and starting to walk him some more doesn’t really comport with a narrative of him viciously resisting arrest. Dude seemed more tranquilized than fighting to free himself tbh.

I know 3 people who have gotten a bullshit “resisting arrest charge”

One cop gave my buddy a charge for injuring the cop while “resisting” because the cop scraped his knuckle on the wall while pushing him against the wall in handcuffs. Luckily this was on video and he didn’t get fucked over but I guarantee most “resisting” charges are bullshit


Chauvin be fucked unless there’s a klan member on the jury.

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Oh oh.


First cop’s bodycam footage was a treat not. Love the part when twice he asks if they should flip the soon-to-be corpse on its side. Alas they did not.

Chauvin is fucked. I just can’t see anyone getting in the way of this reckoning.


You forgot to login to the sweet summer child account


Nah. They will be perfectly willing to make an example out of him in order to pretend the system works.

But to like 40% of the country, letting him off is also proof that the system works.

Disagree. I mean if you think 40% of the country is glad he killed George Floyd, you are fucking delusional.

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What would a good defense attorney do with such a terrible case though? Not saying Chauvin’s attorney is good but I don’t know what a good attorney would do here other than decline the case. I mean he’s got to give it a go, right?