ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad



I’m kind of disappointed that an anti-Karen gun isn’t for shooting Karens.

Maybe cops wouldn’t be called as often if concealed permit holders were better at concealing their lawful firearms.

So when Chauvin gets acquitted, we’re gonna get another round of big protests and violent police responses.

8 white people on the jury, gg.

An acquittal means the last protests weren’t disruptive enough and protesters should aim higher.

The opening statement should just be the video. Seriously. Play that 10 minute video and sit down.

The prosecutor is clearly nervous and not doing very well, though I’m not sure it matters.

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I didn’t know how America was going to pull this off, but it’s looking more and more like he’s gonna get off with this insane drug overdose theory. Just straight up murder a man while mugging for the camera and you can get away with it, amazing system.

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Reminder when you watch the absolutely rage-inducing, gut-wrenching video of this murder that a majority of Republicans can watch that and feel absolutely nothing.

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An erection isn’t nothing.


I think there’s still a chance they convict but man it’s gonna be a nail biter.

You guys are crazy. The third degree murder charge is a lock. This trial is happening in Minneapolis, where the only Republicans are the cops. And they all live in Coon Rapids.

I really hope you’re right about this. The country really doesn’t need an acquittal here.

He’s probably/hopefully right. We have a huge “our cops commute from shitty trumpy suburbs” problem. Mpls itself is incredibly blue. Floyd was killed in a district that was like Biden +85.

Haha holy fuck

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If the EMT is white we might get him on a charge of menacing.

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I think this one was bad enough that even white people will convict.

My Trump loving, psycho ass police loving, Antifa is invading our town, pro police beating the shit out of BLM dad thinks Chauvin should hang.

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HANNITY won’t defend Chauvin. This is almost like the time that South Carolina cop shot the black kid running away in the back and planted his tazer on him. Not quite as clear cut but pretty close.

The jury didn’t convict in that case.

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I know. 11 wanted to convict. Dude is serving 20 years now after pleading guilty, probably didn’t like his chances rolling the dice with another 12 jurors. And Minneapolis is a lot different than South Carolina.