ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Do I/we? I want to put everybody in a fucking gulag tbh.


she’s an anarchist and she works for the … (squints at notes) … police department?

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No, I believe that is the original post that an officer shared.

Woke AF

How it started?

The legislation will abolish cash bail in Illinois beginning in 2023, require police officers statewide to wear body cameras by 2025, eliminate requirements for signing sworn affidavits when filing complaints against officers, and create a more robust statewide system for tracking police misconduct and decertifying officers who commit wrongdoing.

Last week tonight last night was about Police Raids, nothing we don’t know here but goddamn infuriating nonetheless, including a flashbang that landed in a kids crib that burned the kid quite badly. They were looking for drugs and found none.

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It’s worth a watch:

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I peeked into the chiefsplanet Derek Chauvin thread, boy that was a mistake.

They are already laying the groundwork for him to get off by adding back 3rd degree.

He is a favourite for acquittal is my guess.

Such an insane system.

You do realize that 3rd degree Murder carries a max. penalty of 25 years?

It’s such a cakewalk that Chauvin was trying to get the state Supreme Court to prevent this add-on charge, probably because he realizes that even a cop-loving jury is going to want him to face some punishment.


I don’t see how he could possibly not be found guilty but also I’m not going to be surprised if he walks.

Jury selection

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I read on Reddit that they found trace amount of drugs in his system which might give some on the jury reasonable doubt.

After serving on a jury for a simple DUI case I have no idea how anyone is ever found guilty of anything.

It’s encouraging to see that people in America will still freak out when they see people walking around brandishing firearms.

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