ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I’m upset that more of them didn’t qualify for a Darwin Award. Don’t care how. Don’t care if the cops were involved.

It’s not that upsetting because it is another data point that can be used to push for what we want.

It’s easier to argue that the state is loosely aligned with fascist elements in this country based on our white supremacist system. It’s out in the open for people to see and helps radicalizing people

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We’re saying the same thing. The idea that the first step is stop having police with nothing replacing them is as rational as thinking the first step to gun control is disarming the police.

I thought you blocked me. I wish you would.

Speaking of the police, this just popped up on the FB site for a crazy former NH state rep (but was just elected again) who is married to a Y’all Qaeda adjacent idiot who is in the 5th of a 7 year Federal stint because he pled guilty before all of the Bundy’s started getting aquitted:

And we have an update:

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Not really though is it.


The office is requesting that Rittenhouse be prohibited from possessing or consuming alcohol or being in any establishment that serves it; be prohibited from making any public display of any “white power” or “white supremacy” signs, symbols, or hand gestures; and not have any contact with any known militia members or members of any violent white power/white supremacist groups including the group identified as the “Proud Boys.”

Was randomly reminded of this today. You know how long this last fucking year has been? This was June!

Tom Metzger is dead now, yay.


I’m surprised that it’s just three times. I may be too enbubbled.

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Surely the naming of the Nazi prison guard in Oz as Metzger was some sort of nod to this?

BruceZ, is that you?


Can fucking nazis stop appropriating everything please?


How in the hell did this take 8 months to come out?

Video: Weeks before pinning George Floyd, three of the same officers roughly detained the wrong man.

This is horrifying. So they get a 911 call from an apartment building about a hostage situation in apartment 3. They arrive at the building and just tackle and arrest the first black guy they see and falsely claim he has a knife. And they never even actually go to apartment 3 to see wtf is happening!!!

All 3 of them should have been off the street and George Floyd should be alive right now. It’s just so fucking sad.

And also, can we go back and revisit the flurry of stories we got over the summer about how the other two officers besides Chauvin were new and just too nervous to react when Chauvin started kneeling on Floyd’s neck? The three of them were essentially a criminal gang ffs.


Imagine if media put half the effort into humanizing the victims of police that they do into humanizing the police themselves.