ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

But if anyone wants to take acquittal on third and second degree murder I’d be willing to bet against that. Hung jury is a push.

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just lol. Planning to kidnap and obviously execute the govenor doesn’t have the intent to incite mayhem. jlawok.gif



Oh good, as long as you do the terrorist planning on encrypted chat, you’re immune from prosecution.

Look, I don’t mean to shame less prestigious schools, but this guy might not be too bright.

WOW… The drug dealers here & in Europe atm must wish they delt in the good old USA as their encryption devices were broken last year and its been nothing but big catches all over ever since…

They’re still being charged with material support of terrorism. The judge is saying that they can’t be guilty of a terrorist threat if their planning is not public. Seems reasonable.

In any case, people should probably be skeptical that this could have been manufactured by FBI agents and paid informants like a lot of the Muslim “terror” “cases” have been in the past 15 years.


It’s the Family Guy terrorist test, but in real life.


Nitty law point: its annoying that defendants get to argue multiple logically inconsistent things at the same time. "That amount of force was reasonable and also George Floyd is no angel (and therefore who cares he’s dead)” aren’t strictly incompatible positions, but its close. Its kind of like “it was Antifa and also they didn’t do anything wrong,” just super irritating to deal with obvious bullshit.

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Sorry, but this second witness for the prosecution…

I mean, hung jury seems like the overwhelmingly likely outcome to me, with all of the non-white and about half of the white jurors voting to convict. And then maybe we do this again before he walks.

Will you give me odds that Chauvin gets convicted of second or third degree murder? You win if it’s a hung jury, conviction of a lower charge, or acquittal. Emotional hedging for you.


Not worse for Chauvin. But even if Minneapolis police had training to restrain handcuffed using a choke (apparently they did, insane), the reasonableness of employing that choke can still be called into question. I find this guy’s perspective interesting, he’s a former cop and current lawyer. Apparently he’s also a certified handcuffing instructor, and he said that just leaving a guy prone for 10 minutes is not correct, let alone with your knee on his neck.

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It’s the only defense he has. He obviously wanted to kill him and he’s on video kneeling on the dude’s neck for 9 minutes. There is no rationalizing that behavior. They obviously hoping there’s a blue lives matter dope on the jury.

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I think it’s important to understand that Chauvin being convicted actually fits the Conservative narrative. Bad cop did a bad thing and got punished.

It’s why corporations are very quick and heavy-handed in dealing with overt racism – so they can continue to let systemic racism slide.


I’ve managed to watch the first two days of testimony, more or less. I went into this thinking that the prosecution could have a causation problem. But holy shit this case just has no fucking jury appeal and this defense attorney is a clown. (Contrast with the Zimmerman defense attorney who was quite good). I’ll eat my tie if he isn’t top count convicted. The only thing he’s drawing live to is a hung jury I guess.


From what I’ve seen so far I don’t think this hangs. I think conviction is the most likely outcome by far. You never know what a jury is going to do so it’s not guaranteed, but man this defense has no jury appeal whatsoever.


I appreciate you watching the testimony and sharing your take on it. What do you mean by “jury appeal”? I’m pretty sure I know, but want to be sure I’m understanding your point.

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You mean making separate totally contradictory arguments doesn’t play well with jurors? :shockedpikachu:

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