ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Coolstorybro. They are lining up armed (?) poll watchers and we need to keep it quiet until after the election so we don’t piss them off. Mkay. Sounds dumb af to me.

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I’m worried about the upper middle class white conservatives who might be stay home vs Trump moving to go vote.

Well shit, hold off on the cop killing protests then. Are you serious?

I can’t believe a world where possibly armed watchers are cool and you are advocating we don’t talk about cop shootings that were very recent just to appease the god damned racist dipshits. Lol at this site sometimes. There should be riots alone about poll watchers ffs. God damn.


Who said that? I’m saying this is a time to keep the protests peaceful, to turn purple out to vote, to organize GOTV efforts. Today was the last day to vote by mail, they could have marched to the polling place six blocks away and lined up - it was reportedly empty instead.

I’m not even commenting on throwing shit at cops, or damaging a precinct… But the looting is killing us. And I know it’s not the protesters, and I know it’s a few miles away, but it’s very bad for us.

I also know it’s happening largely cause cops want it to, but that’s because it’ll get blamed on protesters a week before the election. We have to beat them at their game here. It’s not fair but it’s how it is.

If Trump wins you‘ll have a lots of chances to protest police brutality.

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OK? At this point you need to do a /s if you are kidding. Otherwise fuck off. I don’t know you as an asshole so I think I’m wrong but seriously what a dumb place to joke.

It wasn’t a joke.

I certainly didn’t say that.

I didn’t say that either.

I want to keep it 100% peaceful so some of these fuckers stay home and don’t vote.

The Minneapolis "looters’ who started it and burned the precinct were proven to be Boogaloo bros and federal charges were filed against them. You’re feeding into the bullshit.

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I’m aware, I’m not sure what your point is. There were a ton of people looting in Philly tonight.

lol. Dude, somehow you are always on the right side. There are tons of peaceful protests happening right now and you are talking about looting no one will hear about before the election probably AND will sway the election? Coolstorybro.

That’s not what I am suggesting.

Republicans are ideologically compact. They are all conservatives. Where they go one, they go all. Democrats are a center-left coalition with two flanks to protect. A pissed off leftist sits out and is a net loss of one. A pissed off centrist votes Republican is a net loss of two. The Democratic instinct is to err on the side of avoiding the latter.

This is meant to be descriptive and not an endorsement of that strategy.

lol - If this isn’t a shut up until the election is over hope I don’t know what one is.

Yeah as long as nobody watched CNN tonight and as long as it doesn’t make it from The Daily Caller and The Blaze tonight to Fox News and Trump’s stump speech or rallies in the next week, nobody will hear about it before the election.

Jesus Christ read my fucking posts how many fucking times do I have to fucking say I support the protesting???

LMAO. And you think it will energize the racists more than people like us watching cops brutalize people. You are a centrist trying to equivocate. Don’t argue otherwise.

That post alone doesn’t advocate protesting, in fact it says you are torn.


Apparently this is me blaming protesters and not supporting the protests?

Yeah I’m just a “centrist” who donates to bail funds, offered assistance to local protesters, and regularly speaks out online and in my personal life while also donating to multiple Justice Dems including when they primary centrists.