ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Does she have a shot? Without knowing her policies, I hope she wins. If she fixes this issue, she could do the opposite of what I support on almost everything and still be an upgrade on most American mayors.


That’s sus. Didn’t click the link.

And I’m caught up. From what I’m hearing there is shit popping off all over Philly, hard to verify without trusting 12 and we know they lie.

Philly police have probably been itching to beat on some BLM folks since they gassed them on the highway. Instead they beat on some apparently random parents.

Man the timing terrifies me, this could play well for Trump. I’m torn. I’m angry as fuck at Philly PD and I loathe Jim Kenney, he had a shit response in May/June and a shit response now.

But if Trump wins we’re going to an even darker place.

Do what is right no matter what.


Yeah I mean this looting is so bad for the cause right before an election. Right wing social media is going in on it. Peaceful protests are for sure right, and I think help us electorally but if not it is what it is, they need to happen.

A ton have already voted and no undecided is going Trump over some looting that us that are tuned into the news all night just heard about. Relax.

Snare drummer in Oregon stream bringing it.

You’re probably right, but it could go the other way. Trump is at the end of his term. Everything is fucked up. Some people will have the thought that more Trump isn’t going to help.

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Like, do you want all activism to end now? Just lol if so. This is what got us here. You guys are the centrists.


Republicans: Do whatever wins and also whatever pisses the libs off!
Democrats: Stop everything, we don’t want to piss off the Republicans a week before the election guise! Cmon now!


Then half of you brow beat people in the meantime. Shameful.


To be fair, it’s more like Dems: We don’t want to piss of the fragile white people, many of whom are Republicans.

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OK. My point still stands.

The parties are asymmetric, so their strategies are not necessarily going to mirror each other.