ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Not at all hot take: the security guard would not be in custody if he shot and killed an antifa/BLM protestor who had slapped and maced him.


Good ol fashioned attempted murder


I like how every cop who shows up takes their turn telling the guy taking the video to backup. More concerned about video then the unconscious guy they just rammed into a wall.


It’s lesson #1 at the police academies. Cop == liar.

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That the resolution to this story?

Expect some necessary trouble in philly today.

Yeah it’s bad, the early voting location is about 6 blocks away from the 52nd street area where riots have been going down, drove past and there are 0 people in line for the first time :grimacing:

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white male ex cop vs black woman, that’s going to confuse a lot of voters in terms of which one supports what.

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That video is hard to watch. Just awful.

Officials said most of the injuries to officers that occurred overnight are reported to be the result of being struck by projectiles, such as bricks and rocks.

The balls it takes to describe bricks as projectiles when the cops literally fired bullets into this man. There isn’t any comparison–

One officer, however, a 56-year-old Philadelphia Police Sergeant, was struck by a pickup truck in the area of 52nd and Walnut streets


Only thing more shocking is that the truck was not described as “a tank-like vehicle”


I’ve been staying out of this thread because it upsets me too much and I needed a break. Catching back up now because it looks like Philly is the next flash point.

Holy fuck is this video infuriating.

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I sent these tweets to my friend who has been a PD in rural Georgia for about a decade and asked her if any one the murder defendants in her court ever got this treatment and this was her response:

None. Not one. Ever. Even after mistrial in first murder trial held without bond until retrial

Heyyyyyyy some good news on this awful day as I catch up through this thread. Congrats! Glad to hear it.


enjoyed that the first mention of police in this statement was “attacking” them

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