ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Who were the officers that ordered the swat team to the residence? Ceiminal negligence causing death seems like an obvious charge and conviction. I don’t blame the officers that were on the scene, they were lied to by whomever told them to be there.

So if these bullets had instead gone into, say, Breonna Taylor’s skull rather than the adjoining apartment, there would be no charges at all?

Gil Scott-Heron talking shit about no knock warrants since at least 1972.

2 minute video:



You explained it to me I must admit
But just for the record you were talkin’ shit
Y’all rap about no knock bein’ legislated
For the people you’ve always hated
In this hell hole you, we, call home

No knock, the man will say
To keep that man from beating his wife
No knock, the man will say
To keep people from themselves

No knockin’, head-rockin’, inter-shockin’
Shootin’, cussin’, killin’, cryin’, lyin’
And bein’ white
No knock

No knocked on my brother Fred Hampton
Bullet holes all over the place
No knocked on my brother Michael Harris
And jammed a shotgun against his skull

For my protection?
Who’s gonna protect me from you?
The likes of you?
The nerve of you?
Talk that shit face to face,
Your tomato face deadpan
Your dead hands ending another freedom fan

No knockin’, head rockin’, inter-shockin’
Shootin’, cussin’, killin’, cryin’, lyin’
And bein’ white

But if you’re wise, no knocker
You’ll tell your no-knockin’ lackeys
No knock on my brother’s head
No knock on my sister’s head
No knock on my brother’s head
No knock on my sister’s head

And double lock your door
Because soon someone may be no-knockin’
Ha, ha!
For you


This is honesty more insulting than having no charges at all.


Any chance that the neighbors, as apparently the only aggrieved party in this, were white? That would be an interesting statement on which lives matter.

Why pay $12 million if nothing was done wrong re: the victim?

The dude with the red sweatshirt and fire extinguisher is going to eat at least one rubber bullet. Just wear your t-shirt with the target on front and back next time. Maybe he’s got body armor on under the sweatshirt and is there to draw fire.

Yeah I really dont see what they could have been charged with. This was on the judge and the people in charge more so than the cops

You cant charge the cops for shooting back as stupid as it was. The problem was the warrant and raid in the first place.


Regg stopped streaming or something suddenly after saying he had 20 hours worth of batteries. Shit’s getting crazy already.

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What are you implying?

just standard NBZ edgelording probably

I’m not implying anything.

The current law is an impediment to justice. I want people to think about what they value more, justice or the law. I want people to think about what justice looks like.

Some people will look at this and think that I am trying to imply that I am advocating some sort of vigilante killing of the police and that’s not what I am doing at all. I’m not going to fault anyone if they come to the conclusion that such action is justified, but that’s not my point. I’m just not going to pretend that a reasonable person can’t reach that conclusion.

Am I OK with the idea of finding out where these cops live, bringing the protests to their neighborhoods, and making their lives hell? Do I think they should be tracked so that this hangs over their heads in all of their future endeavors? I think that option should be on the table. I would not seek the death penalty if this was something that could be done through the criminal “justice” system. Why would I seek the death penalty if I thought justice could be realized outside the system?

So let’s be clear. I am perfectly fine with riling up a Twitter mob and engaging in a massive doxing campaign against anyone involved. If someone wants to take that information and do something I wouldn’t do, I don’t think it is my fault and I don’t feel any complicity in anything that goes wrong.

There’s a range of possibilities and we should think about what our options are within that range.

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What are you doing posting on the internets? Get out there and start making moves!

I once applied for an activist position and was told that I was more suited to being an analyst.

I’m posting on the internets because I am trying to figure out a theoretical framework. The next step is writing a book or using some other medium to communicate that framework. Then, I need to figure out an attention-getting maneuver that will get people to read my stuff.

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You’re more of an ideas guy, you’ll leave the actual delivering of extrajudicial justice to others. Makes sense.

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What the fuck.

Shouldn’t have worn a short skirt

yeah. that’s a nice distillation of it.