ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Maybe you could link a Candace Owens video next.


nice schtick, bro. gratifying and original

This post is irresponsible. Are you here under cover or something?



Delete that poll imo. In this climate people, even semi-anonymously, shouldn’t be putting themselves in record about supporting anything like that.


There are many perspectives regarding current events and (in)justice in America or the world. If you do choose to listen to Jason Whitlock’s, then please consider that you should do so with the understanding that you are hearing the words of a person that rarely sees a boot who’s flavor he wouldn’t want to savor.


Once of life’s mysteries is how the hell Whitlock hasn’t keeled over and died. Last time I saw him on TV he had to be pushing 450 lbs.


Evil people never die

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Man wat in God gave you the impression people want the laws changed? Like ~everybody, even those protesting tonight, is fine with bad shit happening to a specific or abstract other who they think deserves it!

There was never anything they could have been charged with and this is all performative bullshit.

My suggestion that people need to think about whether they care more about pursuing justice or adhering to the law implies that I don’t think changing the law is an option right now. What gave you the impression that I was under the impression that people want to change the law?

Unless I’m to believe nobody actually really truly believed we lived in a police state…


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Yeah, where have we heard that before itf?

Abolish The Police Right After You Use These Police To Arrest Those Other Police


I mean it is as in the kid didn’t have anything on him and we should depend on cops not to kill people on the word of another person, but yea she pretty much was guaranteeing he’d get shot.

That is my understanding

I wonder how much mayhem would be caused just by someone playing some gun shot sound effects around these clowns.

I guess I’m confused about the “we” part wanting nebulous “justice” here.


Dog you really must not read my shit if you somehow think I’m anti-protests and anti-riots but I can put it like this: that tweet you linked,

Rioting isn’t a strategy. It’s not deliberated. It’s a thing that happens. It’s a natural and entirely predictable human response to civic failures, material deprivations, and the shock of immediate injustice

that’s my belief! Everything is wrong and any second of the day is a good second to throw a brick with my blessing.

In contrast, this shit tonight has fucking flyers:

And the performative part was in reference to the justification of not arresting the officers, not to the people in the streets. They don’t need to articulate a specific justification in that sense to be in the streets, that’s the entire point!