ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Whereas they’d face the death penalty in the US

Firing guns into the air on New Years is such a “local tradition” in Los Angeles that they run ad campaigns telling people not to do it.

Los Angeles and Baghdad

Probably about the same mental image among those inside the US of what a typical Chicagoan’s day is like.

Once you realize that the guy who got shot was black, it really isn’t that weird at all.

The last time I was involved with a school exchange with the US (2017) one of the first questions the German students asked the visiting teachers usually was „Do you own a gun?“.
This was asked by 12 year-olds as much as by students 18 years of age.

Would they do the same thing if it was a Swiss teacher?

“Let me see your knife!”

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in the early 2000s I was working at a customer site in rural arkansas and we brought in a very high-level engineer for a particular project, a swiss guy, and at lunch this was basically the exact conversation, they all wanted to know detailed specifics of the issued rifles, ammo, etc

That’s weird. No knife or cheese questions?

With a Swiss person hearing them speak would most likely be entertainment enough for people from northern Germany.


Ok, but say they’re a non-German speaking Swiss person.

We do not have enough stereotypes about those.

So, their prolific gun ownership is not well-known?

Not really. I know about it, but it‘s not among the first things that come to mind when thinking about Switzerland and the Swiss (funny accents, banks, chocolate, mountains, referendums/ direct democracy).

The only people I hear bring up guns in Switzerland are gun nuts.

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Homicide just means someone died because of human actions.

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Nah, for forensic purposes it just means someone died by human actions other than their own. Justifiable or not has nothing to do with it. A pathologist will call it a homicide if its caused by another person.

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Does that include accidents?

There has to be some time element, right?

Mom feeds their kid a diet of coke and twinkies. He’s used to his diet so he can’t stop. Continues eating that way the rest of his life. Develops diabetes and dies of a heart attack in his 40s. Homicide?

Some person buries a landmine somewhere. It goes undiscovered for several years. Someone else steps on it and dies. Homicide?