ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Not sure what level we’re on here.


I think she made an honest mistake. It was a failure of training, design of the taser, and her own carelessness. She deserves to be punished and not be a cop any more but I don’t see how a ten year sentence would be just.

I’m very comfortable with harsh punishments for deadly stupidity.

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I don’t give a shit what happens to this cop, it literally doesn’t matter because the system isn’t going to change one bit. It’s set up the way it is on purpose, creating these outcomes is a feature not a bug, and the powers that be don’t give a shit if one of their pawns ends up in the pokey every once in a while

That’s fine I guess. I’m just saying if I were the judge I’d recognize that what she did is probably much closer to second degree manslaughter and choose the lower end of the sentencing guidelines.

Agreed - until cops start getting punished regularly (not necessarily even criminally) for run of the mill stuff like lying on police reports, covering for other bad cops, etc. the system won’t change. There really is no incentive to be a good cop.

What the trucker did seems way worse than what Potter did to me. His carelessness was pretty extreme and deserves punishment.

OK, sure. So you’d probably actually agree that Potter should also not be sent to prison, right?

In the current criminal justice framework, I think that it’s reasonable that both should face prison time.

Posted by a retired MAGA cop:

Kim Potter was found guilty of 2 counts of manslaughter. I really hope the public realizes what this means. It means the public is on their own. Any active P.O. who does anything other than take a report is taking their life and career for granted. Sit on your hands and answer one job at a time. Don’t be the next Kim Potter.

I unironically agree with maga retired cop and hope the other cops get the message.

buT wHo wIlL sAVe YoU wHeN YoUR HoUse gETs RobBed!



Not even a toy gun.

Moore said he noted connections between the hate group and law enforcement in Florida and Georgia. He said he came across dozens of police officers, prison guards, sheriff deputies and other law enforcement officers who were involved with the klan and outlaw motorcycle clubs.

While operating inside this first klan group, Moore alerted the feds to a plot to murder a Hispanic truck driver. Then, he says, he pointed the FBI toward a deputy with the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, Wayne Kerschner, who was a member of the same group.

During Moore’s years in the United Northern and Southern Knights, the FBI also identified a member of the klan cell working for the Fruitland Park, Florida, police department. Moore said he’d provided identifying information that was useful in that case.

His years as an informant occurred during a critical time for the nation’s domestic terrorism efforts. In 2006, the FBI had circulated an intelligence assessment about the klan and other groups trying to infiltrate law enforcement ranks.


Nice headline

The article is just as bad. Just said the bike went down and the boy died. No details. I’d bet cop hit him or ran him over. Odds of dying from bike accident otherwise are pretty slim.

Yeah. I bet the cop just hit him and concocted “reckless biking traffic stop” after the fact.

Yeah. There’s a lot missing from that article. They don’t say what street it was on, if it was even on a street. But this is likely all on the cops for refusing to provide information. And they really have no legitimate reason not to provide information except to be difficult.

Jesus. So the Chief is happy to refute the “false” information without giving any “true” information. And that whole “well its under investigation” line is often just pure bullshit. Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? All fair to ask, and all should be answered, because not a lot of that should be changing regardless of your “investigation”. But reading between the lines, yeah, something went down that shouldn’t have.

nothing says professionalism during a press conference like the word on the press conference backdrop.