ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

If I faithfully observe Lindell’s boycott list, I won’t be able to buy pillows anywhere! WTF!

I watched foxy boxing at a strip club with my ex once and I really liked this fierce amazon warrior looking girl. They had these comically large gloves on. Like inflatable ones. She still ko’d the other girl and sent her to the hospital :(

LOL if you thought anyone asking Rittenhouse about BLM would go down any differently than this.

Should have taken a gun - I believe you’re allowed to shoot people who get in your way.

The power trip of those security dipshits is so nauseating. I have such a sincere hatred for those types.

Is his AR not sufficient security?

Cops still have the AR since it wasn’t technically Rittenhouse’s and his friend is supposed to stand trial for the straw purchase.

He’s 18 now so he can legally pick up a new one in Arizona, no waiting. He just can’t have it on campus at ASU if he goes to school there.

I’m curious what happens to the gun Rittenhouse used in WI if his friend is acquitted vs found guilty. It’s got to be worth quite a bit. Maybe they’ll end up suing each other over it.

Let’s be more optimistic with the verb.

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Screwing? I think that’s my limit.

I’m hoping they shoot each other.

It’s been a while since I looked at a Bible. Did Jesus get promoted to the Old Testament?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1473485094228840450|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

My Bible’s a little rusty, but wasn’t Jesus guilty of the things he was accused of?


He was no angel.



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Not sure I’m on board with this one for 1st degree manslaughter. Seems more like second degree to me. 3-5 years seems right for the sentence.

I don’t know the law, but that doesn’t seem like nearly enough to me. I think 10 seems about right.

Article I read said suggested sentence was 6-8 for her.