Rooting for the meteor
Man, neighbor sounds like kind of a douche. Like, if he had attacked him because Rand is a terrible human being who has caused untold misery, then yeah, A+. But according to the article, this is actually why he attacked him:
Well if it was this Boucher then 10 feet is probably correct
No Dan Bingo Bongo???
FMK tournament bracket of some sort. “Marry” advances or maybe “kill” is knocked out.
I think Romo made a waterboy reference last week. IDK what’s next, but these things usually come in 3s.
omg worlds collide
not true btw
The most shocking thing about that whole episode was Rand mowing his own lawn.
My recollection was that the story ran a little deeper. Apparently Rand and the neighbor were having an ongoing “discussion” about where to stack brush. Yes, it was on Paul’s property but was arranged in a way to maximally piss off the neighbor. It had the intended effect, and I wonder if Rand feels good about his decision.
So you’re saying he fucked around and found out?
Never.Gets.Old. LOL
Unfortunately, I think Boucher regrets it more. It looks like he got 8 months in prison and was forced to sell his house in order to pay Rand ~$600K for the civil suit.
Given that Rand seems to have fully recovered, I’m not sure he’s the loser here.
Poor choice of words.
Shit I’m so disappointed (though not surprised) that Michael Chandler is a deplorable.
Pretty lame CTE is a motherfucker
Doubt CTE has anything to do with it. Contact sports have macho cultures surrounding them and being a liberal is not considered macho.
But yeah if anybody is gonna be found with CTE it’s Chandler. Guy has been in some crazy wars.
Repeated blows to the head seems to lead to fascism.
I knew someone should have told Hitler that Foxy Boxing was a bad idea