ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Rittenhouse is like 10 times the right-wing hero that Zimmerman wishes he could be.

Sure, maybe he’ll beat his girlfriend sometime down the line, but will that even matter?

The judge walked off the set of Idiocracy and into the courtroom. Nearly impossible win a case like this when you have a white nationalist Boomer completely making shit up and yelling at prosecutors for being too mean to the murderer.

The judge yelled at the prosecutor for calling into question the defendant’s choice to remain silent after his arrest. This is appropriate behavior by the judge.

That’s just locker room beating his girlfriend. All guys do that.

He’s exactly 2.5 Zimmerman’s.

good move guys, Arbery trial is basically over after today. (Good video other than the slightly clickbaity title).


there was no evidence of this presented in trial of him being a white supremacist nor has there been by media either

he also wasn’t an outsider to kenosha, which I do remember the media insisting too

not even getting anything from the gun is LOL wisco gun laws I see

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while the judge seemingly being favored to the defendant, this was correct by the judge, prosecutor was way out of line there.

and it shows the prosecutor thought he had nothing to mention it in the first place

he read something that his reading consists of

Nah, that yOu MuSt ReSpeK mY aUtHoRiTaS yelling stuff is like Judge Judy clown shit. This guy was a button clicker putting on a show for the cameras and couldn’t tie his own shoelaces.

The judge was yelling at the prosecutor out of the presence of the jury for violating the constitutional rights of the defendant. That very mild sanction was entirely appropriate as far as I can tell.

produce the photos

in b4 some bin laden lookalike shit

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Sure it’s a thing, but for “most people”?

Far out

We’ve established there’s a resistance to total permissiveness

Sounds like you’re retweeting Matt Walsh now, because yelling at attorneys like a crazy person isn’t professional behavior. I mean, neither is is making jokes about “Asian food” or talking about “the blacks,” but this is all just really obvious stuff.

the gulag archipelago, or notbruce’s manifesto

why not both?

*I think you wanted “stand up for”.

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