ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

no one is surprised, but for 2 different reasons

Meh, I was surprised. I thought it was going to hang.

Did you think it was going to hang regardless of the the time and if so, why?

No. I didn’t think he would walk on all charges. I started to think hanging was the most likely outcome the longer it went although i failed to listen to my own words about how rare hung juries really are. I thought he wouldn’t walk because two people are dead and a third is shot.

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thank God kylie has weighed in

She’s quite funny. I mean, not that tweet, but she’s funny.

When I feel shitty (like I do now), I listen to this

Nick’s impersonations are brilliant. I can’t hear Ben Shapiro’s voice without thinking of this.

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let’s talk about it. I’m mostly trolling, don’t need to get messy again. messy isn’t interesting

Anyone know what the financial status of everyone involved is? While the burden of proof is purposely (and correctly imo) hard to show, I would think he, his mother, and friend’s father would all be liable for civil damages and should be a much easier case to win


I guess I was a little hopeful that this moron would realize it may be best to lay low and distance himself from the world of right wing assholes. I’m not hopeful now.

Yeah, he’s going to commit some more violent crime. Most normal sane people who actually did defend themselves and kill people might nevertheless express some regret and/or sympathy for the deceased. But not this piece of shit. He’s proud of it.


I add a small caveat. I think this is mostly true when it becomes clear after the fact that you weren’t actually in danger or could have easily avoided being confused about the presence of danger (I’d put Rittenhouse in this category).

On the other hand, if for example a woman is in the process of being beaten and forcibly raped, and she manages to shoot her attacker in the chest, then I’m not sure there is going to be a whole of regret and sympathy. Nor should their be.

I’m not sure I agree with the second half of this. I think taking a human life is a very traumatic event that we are evolutionarily hard-wired to avoid. There have been studies done about soldiers in wartime deliberately missing when firing at the enemy. I think most normal people, even in a situation like you describe, aren’t going to go around bragging about how they took another human life. They’re going to be traumatized by it.

I don’t think this is true.

He’s going to be 100% on the grift now. Book deal, schmoozing with high powered congresspeople, stuff like that. He’s absolutely set for life if he plays it straight.


I didn’t disagree with the not bragging about it part. I’d agree that is absent in nearly all cases. I also agree they would be traumatized. But I don’t think they would feel regret or sympathy.

Obviously cases of domestic violence are a whole other issue. Killing the an abusive spouse, for example, very well may trigger fucktons of sympathy and regret, and understandably so. In the scenario I described I was imagining an attack from an unknown.

I think most people at worst would say something like “I wish this would have never happened, and I really regret going there with a gun that night”. Of course, most people would not have gone there with a gun and it wouldn’t have happened, so I guess his reaction shouldn’t really be that surprising. WAA so F.

I mean, I don’t know that he’s committing “bringing an ar-15 to a protest” crime anymore, but I’d bet anything he’s committing “beating his girlfriend” type crime. Basically the Zimmerman playbook.

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