ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

It’s awesome you can ninja mind read intent like that. Hopefully, you’re making some serious buckos with that skill

That’s a feature, not a bug

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I’m totally not surprised that police just want to gun down protesters but know they (might) get in trouble for it so they just try to get people like Rittenhouse to do their dirty work.

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Yeah, ill pass as you’re much more familiar with this stuff. My assumption was that a mistrial Ina prolific case like this could be fairly high but I’m probably wrong. I agree that these two cases are completely different and I also don’t really want to root for winning this one.

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I do think this is encouraging. You used to be guilty if you were white who shot other white people and innocent if you shot black. Progress.


Is that you?


Joke all you want but when you want to take someone who did not break any laws and lock that person away in a cement cell for an untold number of years, fortunately it takes more than an echo chamber of collective opinions to do so. The right verdict was reached (in my opinion :joy:)

It’s not that he did or didn’t break laws. It’s that going looking for an opportunity to shoot people and then doing so should most definitely and always be against the law, even if now it isn’t.


It’s also a perversion of self defense statutes. A reasonable standard is if you are not instigating shit and are attacked, defending yourself using deadly force when necessary is allowed for. However when you go out picking fights and start pulling triggers, that’s not what self defense rules are nor should be for.

it’s shame everyone especially in the media went into this already determined guilt/not guilt so everything got full slanted to that even blatantly misleading facts on both sides but didn’t waste my time a single second on this so lol.

It is against the law, if the state could prove that his state of mind was “I’m going to try to provoke protesters to attack me and then I’ll retaliate” then he would be guilty. There’s a famous case where a guy enticed petty thieves to break into his house, he laid in wait and killed them and was convicted of murdering them in his own house.


I’d be ok with a metal cell instead of cement, but cement is cheaper.



Good thing they tossed out that pesky video of him seeing a couple of folks “rioting” and lamenting about how he wishes he had his gun to shoot them!


damn I guess that case is famous, you know the details. I think the insane recording he took narrating the whole thing would have been enough but I’ll concede you may be right.

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Fighting fascism!!

We’ve known for a while that they are insane, but politicians calling for this to be a national holiday and offering a murderer internships because he killed for the right team seems like a new level of public GOP insanity. Seems bad imo.


Can’t we just use the same legal precedent for murder that we do for porn? I may not be able to define it, but I know it when I see it.

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Then maybe the prosecution should’ve proven beyond a reasonable doubt this is what his intentions were. Oh wait…

Like I’ve said over and over your gripe should be with the law(s) and that’s where your efforts and focus should be. Sometimes you can draw a logical line to ascertain what someone’s intentions were. In this case, they obviously could not and I want to say that jurors are instructed not to use their powers of ESP like you and the rest are doing