ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Can’t wait for the Arbery acquittals, US criminal justice working as intended.

What a fucking joke.

Another reason why I, personally, will never vote to convict a POC of any crime.


If you want to soften the blow, I’ll give you 3-1 that Arbery’s killers are convicted. My 300 on an acquittal to your 100 on a conviction (or maybe more if you want). Only on the two guys in the pickup, not the third guy following and filming.

Skateboard is the new superweapon in the latest Call of Duty: Mean Streets of Kenosha.


As always, LOL LAW.



ugh, i can’t heart that

I mean, we all knew it was coming but it still feels like a real gut punch. This country is so fucked up. At a minimum this murdered deserves to have the ever living shit beat out of him.


George Zimmerman all over again

He’s going to have to be surrounded by like-thinking people the rest of his life. That would be quite a punishment. Imagine not being able to go to normal places like a normal person. Its going to be interesting to see if he does any interviews and what type of attitude he takes if he talks.

I’m so mad I’m shaking. Glad to know some white guy could potentially shoot my kid for whatever and not go to jail.

We all knew this was coming but it’s still surreal.


I may be interested in this.

My guess is that Kyle and a group of like-minded property protectors and medics will be at the all of the big protests in the future.

I expect we’ll have a lot of similar trials to really reinforce the self-defense statute.

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So basically a bunch of loosely connected lone ranger types trying to become good guys with guns are gonna coincidentally have the same idea and start killing protesters while claiming self-defense in the future.

Nice work America.

He’s literally going to be a hero of the right for years to come. He’ll get paid gigs on Fox. He’ll get that Gaetz internship. He’ll get appearance fees at CPAC. Him murdering a few people will probably end up being the best thing he ever did for himself.


Is there a way to appeal the decision? This nutcase judge can’t be the end of the road, right?

Yeah…but he’s a pretty tiny dude. He’ll think twice about going to the 7-11 without his AR-15.

I think they can get his money in a civil trial, like OJ. IANAL.

In a shocking development, giving time to let the system work didn’t work once again.