ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I would imagine it’s more that stupid chief is standing in the way of the cops doing their job.

Right. Same thing. He was questioning the authority of people he claims he wants to work for.

Ok, how about insane, delusional, and paranoid?

hey one thing I missed, when the judge ruled that the video of kyle saying “I really want to murder some negroes” was inadmissible, what was the overt reasoning behind that decision?

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Looks to me like the jury is struggling with that one. And no, I don’t think under our current laws you have the right to bring a gun to a fist fight and then claim self defense. And that’s essentially what he did.

It was really bad for the defense and the judge wants him to be acquitted.


“More prejudicial than probative” which just is legal talk for makes him look guilty as fuck and I don’t like that.


yeah I know that was the actual reason, but what did he actually say was the reason?

I’m not sure if this is totally true. I have shot guns before (not at people) and it’s just fun. Hitting targets with guns is fun the same way that throwing a football to an open receiver is fun or burying a bank shot in pool is fun. I think there are some people that have a bunch of guns the same way that some people have a bunch of guitars - they just enjoy them and like playing with them like recreational toys. We know that the culture of guns it closely entangled with conservative race war fantasies, but it’s not universally that way.


Click to see a lot of hidden posts by some dude called Cactus (at least based on people constantly quoting them).

I assume they’re not worth reading?

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unless you want to get in some dunk practice

Its like shooting fish in a barrel with an AR-15. Sorry, a MOB of dangerous fish!


Assuming this ends in a mistrial, does the redo go to the same judge?

Rittenhouse was on film punching a girl a month or so before this. He showed a lot of restraint there too, that bitch was being unruly and he had every right to kill that hoe. Kid should receive a medal for the amount of restraint he has. Instead, some black kid intervened and roughed him up. That’s the thanks he gets? Jeez

While we’re at it, I happen to own a gun. Any time I want, I could go to the mall and unload, but I don’t, because I too am filled to the brim with restraint. Not trying to brag or anything though, there are millions like me resisting the trigger every day.


.223 will tumble and fragment as soon as the bullet hits the water, not as easy as it sounds.

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I would know that if I was a Real American and not a wimpy Soy Boy.


Only relevant if he murdered Negroes, ldo.

sounds like it will kill even more fish


under a sane system that would be a red flag and he would be prohibited from owning a gun, much less handling it in public.

ffs, several states implement court orders that force the surrender of firearms for so much as a specific threat on social media.

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