ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Responded to wrong person…

Meantime, I agree with those who think the length of deliberation is flirting with hung jury territory. With the weekend approaching, I suspect we may hear by the end of the day whether the foreman believes they may not be able to reach unanimous judgements on every count. So far we have no clue on how they’re progressing. The judge is then going to have to decide whether to send them back for more deliberations, and whether that should continue on Saturday, or give them the weekend off. Or declare a mistrial due to a hung jury, if that’s where they’re at.

Also the Good Guy With A Gun had no knowledge of any of that. But whatever, let’s have a trial for the victims to determine if they deserved it. Law And Order. Trust The System.

Fixed the title so folks don’t get all excited when they see the new post count.


Unless he was beating on a woman at the moment he was shot your entire “he was no angel” is pretty disgusting, even for you.


And that’s where we’ll always disagree. When you choose to be the initiator of a physical attack on someone, you don’t get to decide what their response should be

The reality of the gun situation, imo, is actually worse than him traveling across state lines. He never actually crossed state lines because his friend in Wisconsin bought the firearm for him and they stored it in the friend’s dad’s gun safe.


If Rittenhouse was not armed with an AR-15 he and the three victims would almost certainly be alive and none of them seriously harmed. This case is a poster child for why unlimited open carry for everyone is a terrible idea.


Right, and the friend bought it for him because Rittenhouse couldn’t legally buy it. That this is somehow an argument in his defense (“He didn’t cross state lines with it!”) is, uh, not as strong as Cactus thinks.


Yeah, you do, it has to be reasonable and proportional. The media counter narrative had actually brainwashed me the other way but thankfully this little back and forth with you has clarified things for me. You don’t get to execute someone for throwing a plastic bag FFS! Even if “he deserved it,” you have now created a dangerous situation where two other innocent people got shot.


I never said anyone was or wasn’t an angel. People seem to be armchair diagnosing the kid’s psychological disposition with no evidence, so I provided actual evidence of one of the guys attacking him

If this situation is so cut and dry then why has a jury been out for 3 full days?

See almost 100 new posts, brace myself for acquittal only to find this.


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I understand this is the entirety of your concern. But you need to understand this isn’t the main concern for people like me who believe in the right to self defense. I keep saying this → if you don’t like the gun laws then work on changing them. But don’t blame people for legally defending themselves within the confines of the law. And that’s what this case is about. Did he have the right to defend himself with lethal force? It looks to me like he did

The reason it could be taking the jurors so long is because the judge is batshit crazy and gave complicated jury instructions. It’s also a weighty case. I wouldn’t rush a decision either if I was a juror

Admittedly, I did not see all of Rittenhouse’s testimony, but I’m wondering if the prosecutor asked whether Rittenhouse thought he knew better than the police? Seems to me, like he and his mom, felt like the police were sitting back and doing nothing, and they should have been doing more to protect property. But isn’t it more likely that the police were employing a strategy that would keep more people alive, maybe at the expense of property? I’d like to know why a 17 year old with aspirations of being in law enforcement seems to believe he’s in a position to pass judgement on the strategy of the professionals in law enforcement.

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Advocating change of law is what we are doing by saying this is a horrible outcome, legal or not! But now that you have gotten us to drill down on the facts, I actually don’t believe execution for throwing a plastic bag is legal even under current law.

Oh come on, man! Don’t back down. He literally checks notes cleaned up graffiti!

I was pretty sure Rittenhouse was on the no angel side of things before learning this key fact about his character. Now I’m conflicted.


Didn’t know Judge Schroeder had an account here.


I thought he was talking about the guy who threw the bag at his head. Do I think Rittenhouse is an angel? Fuck no. No sane or peaceful person would walk into that environment with a rifle strapped to their shoulder imo. But did he deserve to defend himself when attacked? I think so