ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

So in my brief watching of the Arbery trial, it seems that the defense is arguing about what Arebery’s intent was running through the neighborhood and his intent may justify his shooting. Cool contrast to the Rittenhouse trial where his actions or his intent to kill people prior to the fact can’t be used.

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Run away from a guy with a gun, get chased down and shot. Run toward a guy with a gun, get shot.

Summary: Get fuckin’ shot, bitches.


Three days of deliberation after a 6 day trial is looking more like a hung jury.

If nothing else at least they’re making him sweat from what lil I’ve read on the case plus this judge I thought this would b a slam dunk not guilty

2 people are dead, a third was shot, and there’s no question as to who the shooter was. No matter how much the judge put his finger on the scales this was never going to be a slam dunk not guilty. Could still be an acquittal I guess, but I don’t think so.

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Here’s your chance to get to know the Maserati guy:

Judge Joseph L. Walsh III dismissed the case because the man’s ex-girlfriend and a witness would not cooperate and failed to appear for court hearings and depositions, according to the office of St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell.

Jesse Kline, 32, was fired from the Ferguson police force in August 2018 after he was arrested in Maplewood while off duty. He was initially accused of following and threatening the woman and another man, including poking the man in the chest with the barrel of a Glock 21 handgun, police said at the time.

Who would have thunk it? That guy has anger issues? I’m not buying it.

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And she didn’t testify because she knew no one was going to actually prevent him from killing her. Nice system we have here.

Yeah, like, obviously juries are going to be full of people who couldn’t put a beginner LEGO set together, which is to say everyday normal people you’d meet anywhere. Forcing me to, uhhh, have conversations with them based on any kind of sound reasoning or even, say, reality and widely-accepted facts that they will outright deny is just not something I’m willing to do in 2021. Can you even imagine sitting on a jury of horse pasters and QAnon truthers in Kenosha, Wisconsin right this very minute? Jesus Christ.


Well, I think most of us were or are suspecting an acquittal for Kyle, but at least at this exact moment he has to be shitting bricks unable to sleep and utterly terrified. It’s the small victories.

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Have you bothered to take a look at who the dead are and what their actions were?

No irony here loooool

Who the fuck are you to pass judgment on people you don’t even know?

Thank god I’ve stayed out of this thread to this point. You people are ridiculous


My recollection is that you are a strident gun rights person. I not sure it’s a great look for the gun nut crowd to stand on the periphery of a conversation about a panicky teenager with an automatic weapon who had an oopsie that killed two people and act like the gun rights brigade has some moral or intellectual high ground here.


It’s as if you have no idea what transpired. That panicky teenager was calmer than many adults would’ve been. And what oopsie are you referring to?

I decline to get into this with you. I do not think a productive conversation is possible.

So you were just stating the obvious with “2 people are dead, a third was shot, and there’s no question as to who the shooter was”? This seems to imply this should be a slam dunk case. Is that our position?

Cases like this can swing on very subtle and seemingly minor or hard to prove moments. In this case, it seems like whether Rittenhouse pointed his gun at anyone without provocation prior to the first shooting seems like a key point and may be a determining factor.

I remember covering a case as a young radio reporter where two young men had stolen a woman’s purse. She chased after them and died of a heart attack. The whole case hinged on the exact moment of the purse snatching. If the defendant snatched it clean off her arm, it was a misdemeanor purse snatching. But if there was even a 1 or 2 second struggle, it became strong arm robbery, which was a felony and her death was considered felony murder. As it turned out, the kid who did the purse snatching was found not guilty, but his friend, who “masterminded” the crime, and was tried separately, was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.