ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I still don’t think he’s walking. Hung jury mistrials are very rare but maybe heading for that. The pressure in the jury room is going to be immense in a case where 2 different people are dead, a third is shot, and it’s not a whodunit.

What happens in a hung jury Mistral? He gets off Or so they retry him

They do it again. And hopefully better.

love the woman that comes up

I don’t know that it’s necessarily because the cases are always strong, because acquittals are also way more common then hung juries. I think there’s generally a lot of social pressure to come to an outcome. This becomes especially more true the more serious the charges are and the longer the case goes for. Jurors also really don’t to feel like they’ve given up weeks of their life and accomplished nothing.

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They can retry him.

The dude in that brown vest is the dude that showed up with an AR15 and then drove off in a Maserati.

He’s larping. Even if only on a minimal level. He might not possess the ability to shoot someone; justified or not.

You could argue that having a concealed handgun is more of a threat than open carrying an AR. You’d be wrong just based on the average mindset of a person who is like Rittenhouse.

That’s the conservative trap. Identity politics. The mom’s decision to take him there should have been the target. It’s an indefensible decision that can’t be denied by any reasonable person that has kids.

Yeah, I get that. I was thinking of just getting him talking and hoping that he slips up and says something that is definitely a lie based on evidence that jury wasn’t allowed to see.

Surely there are kosher ways you can try an induce a slip by Rittenhouse. He’s obviously not that bright.

can you remove some of the metaphor here for me

Really hard to see how. Also the goal on cross examination is not to get the person talking. It’s to ask leading yes/no questions. If you’re asking open-ended questions you’re doing a shitty cross.

The likelihood that Rittenhouse will walk around the same time my state executes a black man that has maintained his innocence for two decades is making me physically ill. I hate this fucking place.


The defense is now asking for a mistrial without prejudice. Is that a sign they’re sweating these deliberations maybe more than we thought?

And we still have Tommy Ward in prison also.

I was just coming here to post basically this as well. What is happening in the Julius Jones execution case right now is pretty egregious and is getting overshadowed by the Rittenhouse trial imo.

Fuck Stitt.

Clemency granted for Jones.


Man, listening to some Arbery trial action, and it is just striking how much redneck white folks love to grab a gun and go hunting for black dudes. I know, news at 6, right?

Life without parole though. Even the shithead filled state pardon and parole board recommended less.

Possibly but what kind of governors do you think get elected here.