ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

This part does not seem overly clear.

Dude is getting attacked and pulls a gun to and kills the attacker. Innocent group of bystanders out of earshot drinking coffees hear the gunshot, see a addrenalin fueled dude waving a gun, and decide that they might be in danger and shoot the guy. Claim self defense.

That’s not ‘pretty clear’.

Or really, we don’t have to make up a situation. The rittenhouse situation already happened. Watch a guy get shot with an AR-15, rightfully believe your life is in danger, shoot Kyle. Claim self defense, but Kyle was also defending himself.

Seems like a mess.

It’s chaotic to be sure but that’s because the situation was chaotic. But from a legal perspective you have to judge each person’s actions based on how a reasonable person would react to the information that each person had at the time. I don’t see how there could be another way to properly look at situations like this.


A single juror can prevent a verdict either way in WI. But the case is pretty complicated, read the jury instructions because I thought the case was pretty interesting and they were 36 pages long.

I’ll be honest I skimmed a bit towards the end, I’d imagine the jury will do the same.

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Hypothetically, if the jury somehow returned a surprise guilty verdict on at least one count, how do we expect his supporters to react?

Oregon is the only state with non-unanimous criminal acquittals.

Previously Louisiana and Oregon had non-unanimous convictions, but the supreme court tossed that.

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Would expect the next set of protestors in red states to face trumped up charges and jail time (worse than usual) using this sentence as justification.

I just wonder if there are people bringing their AR-15s in anticipation of protests, thinking that an acquittal means open season, and if they react poorly if they hear a different verdict.

Let’s keep in mind a conviction isn’t the last word. One Twitter lawyer I follow flipped out at the judges instructions. He thought it was enough to overturn on appeal.

I don’t think is going to be mixh of anything either way.

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The media is the problem.

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They know they’re on the same team. No fear of getting Brian Nichols’ed.

Fun fact: My (400 lb Black) buddy was in holding cell having been arrested for arguing about a $5 parking charge when the lot had no empty spaces with an attendant whose best friend was a cop on speedial when Brian Nichols, just arrested for the probably final time, was walked right by his cell in a straightjacket by about twenty cops.

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Yeah. Basically the story above is what I’m talking about. Whining about media coverage.

Yeah. That picture has been shown to be shopped.

Here’s the unedited version


No you can’t get around double jeopardy like this. Everything from the same criminal transaction needs to be tried at once.

I have never seen someone on trial for a speeding ticket unhandcuffed standing right behind a judge. That is fucking insanity.

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I believe he’s just trying to put them in the shoes of the people he killed which is fair. Most people would assume active shooter in America

The leftist who had a gun would be found guilty with this judge having finger on the thumb if he shot and killed Rittenhouse right?

I really don’t understand why he pulled out his gun if he wasn’t going to shoot. Especially if you think he’s an active shooter.

Not just that but the idea is that these people were trying to disarm him not threatening to kill him, and Rittenhouse should have known that.

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