ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

It’s more that contemporary conservative “embraces fantasy”. The concept of “lying” doesn’t really exist if you don’t believe in objective truth in the first place.

Kyle was hunting people, no different from hunting deer. Every person defending him agrees with him that hunting black people or people who think black lives matter is actually good. “He will be acquitted” – OK, neutral statement of fact. “It was self-defense” – you approve of hunting people, especially to keep black people subservient.


The defense has rested, closing arguments next week.

Idk maybe his intention is to eventually get into nursing school but he needs remedial courses first and in his mind this is the same thing. Or yeah, maybe his lawyer got him to sign up for some online courses to prop up his image for the jury and coached him to tell the lie this way.

It’s not much but probably enough that he can get away with that flimsy excuse for his presence. I wouldn’t have put it past him that he had zero training. That would have been something that the prosecution could have pounced on.

The prosecutor did point out that he didn’t render aid to the people he shot.

I was lifeguard certified once upon a time. No way I’d even mention it if someone asked for a doctor or medic or something though lmao.


I deleted my earlier post for reasons but I’ll make the same point in a much shorter way. Anyone who has spent any time in state court is not stunned by how much of a buffoon this guy is. There are much much worse judges. The system is broken and needs to be blown up.

Only the worst and dumbest lawyers become state court judges. It’s a lot of long and tedious work and you aren’t paid well for it really. Imagine doing divorces for 40 hours a week for example. No sane or competent person is going to sign up for that. It’s also mostly a thankless job. Also you get to do elections every few years to keep your job in most places. Fun!


But run unopposed in nearly all of them.

My mother has worked for numerous lawyers throughout her career and a few have become judges. Those that normally do tend to do so either because they’re sick of being lawyers and choose being a judge over retirement or like you said they’re shit at their job and can’t hack it.

Maybe in rural areas being a judge is a nice gig but at least here in the cities they get absolutely worked to death. If they called me tomorrow and offered me 500k/yr to do it I would turn it down instantly.

What. The. Fuck. Was that during the trial today? Dude belongs in a home.


Hot take incoming. Although he takes a while to get to the point, it’s a perfectly cogent way of explaining his view (which, to be clear, is wrong).

This judge is about 6 months away from posting a tweet looking for the owner of a dead pidgin in his yard.


Let me get this straight - this is happening in right wing circles?

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The courts and legal system are like journalism, they are massively inbred to put “impartiality” above everything else, such that someone who is broadly ignorant but deeply conversant in the esoteric rules of the profession are considered paragons. The more you act like a person who was born in a cave and never interacted with the outside world but have memorized legal procedure, the higher you go in the profession.


This is why critical legal studies was invented.

Sounds like Critical Race Theory! THATS SOCIALISM!!!

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