ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad



That is not the norm. Judges are well paid and underworked.

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In Canada, I remember there was a weird dynamic where judges were commonly characterized as underpaid because they make ball park $CAD 300,000 and obviously big shot lawyers at private firms make more than that. So the culture of judges was that people would do it “as a public service” with the presumption that they could make way more if they walked down to the HQ of Big Law Corp and asked for a job. It’s a nice way to frame $300,000 per year as noble self sacrifice. It also conveniently side steps complications like pensions payable to judges which can be very high.

When did he register?

Possibly even squares and triangles!

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we got him?

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We gonna CANCEL HIM.


It was claimed and seemed likely to be true that he went to Kenosha with this intent but I hadn’t seen concrete evidence. I knew it existed but only just saw this video. Also only just saw the pic of him with his T-shirt earlier in this thread. Yes, all inadmissable. Everything points to him getting away with murder.

I’m just too dumb to understand why a video of you saying that you wish you could shoot some protestors with your AR-15 and then like some days later you shoot a bunch of protestors with your AR-15 is obviously inadmissible.


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It’s clearly admissible but the prosecution doesn’t have a right to appeal in most instances under our system of justice.

Lawbros love to act like the rules of evidence are super complicated but surprise, they’re not, the test is almost always “it this more prejudicial than probative,” and guess what that’s a bullshit standard!

The real test is usually “what did the judge have for breakfast this morning.”


Finished succession and started channel surfing.

Body language expert says he’s 100% not faking it. Whew what a relief!

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Let’s give them more money and see if that helps.


Great country we got here.

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really hard to tell which lawyer is dumber

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