ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad


The reactions of the bookend women at 1:20 when he decries the presence of black pastors…

I’m sure that’s just a slip of the lip and he meant to say “uppity black pastors.”


What is your assumption of the way I feel to begin with?

Of course this proxy in the culture war is disturbing as it will be if he ends up the next Heston or whichever deplorable congress person you want to pick or even some new breed of vigilante/right wing folk hero.

The juxtaposition of how this will play out and how it has played out for numerous poc historically is flagrant. I doubt you will find a single poster on this board who sees it differently.

That only makes it less logical to make statements that aren’t factual. If I responded in any serious thread on this forum with “I don’t have the energy to read” I would be rightly derided. One of the best posters in this forum got taken to task over the tiniest factual nuance in the Covid thread; why should this discussion be any different?


Wtf does that mean?


Justice seems not particularly applicable here. I’m not even sure I know what the word means anymore. So instead I asked myself, what do I want?

Setting aside the desire for retribution, I want Rittenhouse never to be able to legally own or possess a gun again. I want people who would do similar things to be discouraged from trying. What outcome would accomplish those things?

He’s charged with 5 felonies, I think. A conviction on one of these is a requirement to get the result I want. Even if he gets the minimum punishment in prison time that goes with it, I’d be ok with it. Will this happen? Looks like it’s going the other way. He walks.

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Will Kyle be acquitted in time to shoot a couple of more people during the riots that are going to happen when the Arbery murderers walk free?

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This is the biggest thing. As the country continues its descent into fascism the fewer speedbumps there are the worse its going to be. High profile consequences for white conservative violence are speedbumps, it’s infuriating that the country keeps encouraging this behavior by not holding people accountable. All the thousands of LARPers in the US that want to shoot a liberal are getting a playbook on how to frame it as self defense.

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LOL we are way past that. Y’All Qaeda pointed long guns at federal agents and absolutely nothing happened, the police and the nazis are on the same team here. The only accountability we are going to get is Covidiots dying.

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It seems ridiculous but we have a third of our country out here disagreeing with, “killing is wrong except when absolutely necessary.” A third of the country thinks that it’s good when liberal activists get killed. They won’t do the killings themselves, but they’ll cheer it on. I’m not sure how you can work with this kind of system.

Firing squad

My mom who I would put on the reasonable side of being a Republican to the extent that exists (Prefers Romney over Trump, non Covid denier, vaxed, etc) baited me into a Kyle Rittenhouse convo last night. Let’s just say she is firmly in the category of he acted in self defense. Like she will agree it is ridiculous he was there with an AR-15 but was quick to spout the media talking points about how he was there to be a medic and the like.

The idea 12 people in a purple state are going to convict Rittenhouse of anything is a total fantasy.

Does Rittenhouse have any medical training?

I don’t know the answer to this but I’m not sure it matters. If the roles were reversed and it was a black man gunning down white abortion protesters my mom would see it differently. Which is kind of illustrates the real issue here. It’s why the NYT is desperate to frame Kyle in a positive light as well.

All of the pro-Kyle arguments are just window dressing for the inherent racism of the verdict that is coming and all of the excuses for it from most of the country.

He is registered as an online only student at Arizona State and has completed zero course work.

The problem is, most of us ( and most likely most left wingers) don’t harbor this fantasy of going into a crowd of people we hate and blowing them away.

In right wing circles the idea of being a “good guy with a gun” is an active and persistent fantasy and one that is repeated ad nauseum in right wing online circles. Thats why Rittenhouse was there in the first place. He had to “Defend” a place he has never been to or been involved in in any way, because he had the desire to be the “good guy with the gun.” and get a “legal kill.”

Being found innocent by Self defense only supports people in one direction. These fantasies are only really held in one direction.

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You mean hes a liar?


He had taken a basic life saving course as part of being a “lifeguard” and had defibrillator training. He lied to people claiming to be an EMS when he had zero EMS or paramedic training. But yeah, he was just pretending to be a “medic” and offer “first aid” with his fanny pack to make it seem like he had a reason to be amongst the looters and rioters so he could hope for a chance to murder some of them.

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