ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Seems like his path will be to monetize his “The Liberals Almost Got Me And You Could Be Next” grievance narrative. There is an insatiable appetite for that in Deplorable World.

Liberals were mean to him so he had no choice. Welcome to America.

Guy hasn’t seen enough movies where the villain points a gun at the hero and, instead of shooting, spends enough time taunting for the hero to pull a stunt.

Pretty sure the saying is “if you are going to pull your gun be ready to use it” not that you have to.

lol they are really trying to toss out a zoomed video because apple uses the logarithms to change the pixels.

like no fooling that’s what digital zoom is but its cracking me up that the judge is sensing that this video must be good because there weren’t any issues with any defense zoomed images right up until now haha. Just amazing to hear the judge talk about pixels and logarithms and he’s actually holding up a magnifying glass its incredible.

Apple Pixels Pixar, don’t you see the connection. Sheeple.



This guy will have a show on Fox News before he spends any time in jail.

Judge Schroeder and Kyle Rottenhouse give their take on today’s legal news.

On tonight’s show “why lynching is self defense”.


Wait what? If they walk in arbrey case that would be insane. That shit was clear as day murder. What even is the defense?

Uh isn’t selecting a jury like that illegal?

Lol justice system

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Nah the Supreme Court has pretty much said anything is allowed but explicit instances of striking for race.

He was in jail for 3 months.

Not following closely, but why is Rittenhouse on the witness stand?

Isn’t that almost always a horrible idea for the defense?

Not when the judge’s phone plays Trump’s rally music.


Defendant is more likely to testify in self defense cases because he has a burden of proof.

Doesnt it more or less require lawyers going out of their way to leave behind evidence that they struck jurors over race for it to come up?

If you can supply a single reason other than race for striking all the Black jurors, it’s not illegal.

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