ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

LOL LAW thread is thataway


It’s pretty much the only way



Has anyone itt actually read any of the testimony of the witnesses? Because it does not sound like anyone has.

What are we missing?

Let’s start by saying that Trolly nailed it when he posted that the mother made an atrocious decision to take him there with an assault rifle.

He also should have considerable liability for the person who was paralyzed with a stray bullet.

Here’s a detail of the testimony on NPR.

Read that and tell me what you think. It’s clear that he had reason to fear for his life with regards to the 2nd and 3rd person he shot.

The 1st (Rosenbaum) is unclear. It does seem likely that at a protest where Rittenhouse would be in the minority that if he were aggressively looking to confront that the prosecution would be able put at least 1 witness on the stand confirming that behavior.

The mom should be charged with felony murder.


I agree with this though manslaughter would be the more reasonable charge imo.

Couldn’t she also be charged with child endangerment also?

Based on the information in the story, he had reason to be afraid in all three cases. I would have been: It’s an emotionally charged situation. It’s dark. People are coming towards him with guns. He has a gun, so he knows the others have reason to feel threatened too; especially the second guy, after he shot the first guy; and especially the third guy, after he shot the first two guys. There’s really no way for the jury to know the degree of fear he felt or what else might have been on his mind, especially given the limitations imposed by the judge.

In conclusion, the same conclusion we’ve pretty much come to already, he’s getting off.

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Just say what you really think.

rittenhouse created and/or helped create a lot of the “reason to fear for his life”. he had dreams of arming himself and finding someone to shoot, and he completed that goal, hell he even previously admitted to exactly this. all of us have pretty much talked about how the law doesn’t really do well with this situation and he is likely going to walk on killing people that wouldn’t have died BUT FOR his contributions to the situation.

Maybe my post was emotionally insensitive as I wasn’t trying to say anything that would undermine your post.

I also think it’s possible that your post is true, that Rittenhouse is legimately fucked up mentally from the 2 people who died, and that Rittenhouse is working the jury.

I guess I would like to hear what people actually think justice should be here.

i dont disagree that he might be feeling sorry for killing the people, although i think his fear of the possible punishment for his actions outweighs any genuine remorse he actually has. justice with the current system probably entails him being acquitted sadly. i just dont think the law does well with this.

actual justice is common sense gun control that people like him dont have access to assault rifles to carry around crowded streets to intimidate and threaten people with. a common reason being given for his “fear to his life” is someone reaching for HIS gun, that’s an absolutely ridiculous standard. you introduce the inherently dangerous object to the situation and then when someone tries to de-escalate by removing said dangerous object you get to further escalate by shooting them and claim you were the one that had the right to fear.

justice is legislating so that this situation doesn’t occur again, which it absolutely will. i’m not sure of exactly the wording needed to do that, but something to the effect of defining an aggressor and provocateur more so that maybe someone cant claim self defense after you openly fantasize about shooting shoplifters and then drive to a protest , arm yourself with an assault rifle(clearly not for “self defense” and gun down people on the street…

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My EQ just needs some work. I took some statements itt literally which were obviously just people blowing off steam.

Cool you can travel to another state during a riot with an AR-15 and claim self defense.

If I go to another state with an AR-15 in my hands and start screaming at people on the street until one of them comes at me with a knife and I shoot them, I can claim self defense. Nice country we have here.

Im sorry man.

I see UP as the good guys and sometimes I get saddened when it feels like the same ideological angst that I see from the rwnj’s showing up here.

I’m just as jaded as anyone sometimes so it’s definitely unfair.

Well, yeah. It’s not like we’re different species. The difference is marginal. Still matters.

Yeah I’ve always felt the self defense was pretty legit, the problem was him going there in the first place and putting himself in a situation where confrontation is so likely. There should be some sort of criminal negligence or involuntary manslaughter type law for shit like that.

That said what is there to show he is legit fucked up mentally? All I’ve read about his how after he got out he’s been hanging out with proud boys and other right wing nut jobs who are worshiping him for his actions. Doesn’t sound like someone who is broken up about his actions.

I don’t know about legally, but from a morality/rationality perspective it seems kind of circular to me. “Well, you see, I was wandering around a crowded area with an assault weapon and when I was waving it at people, they got all panicky and therefore I was legitimately fearing for my life. Who knows what that crowd might have done given how panicked they were about me pointing a gun at them!”