ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Just now on NPR hourly news, judge to prosecutor, “Don’t get brazen WITH ME”.

I’m watching a replay, but did I just hear that in a murder trial where a dude rolled up on some “rioters” with his AR-15 and killed a couple of them, you aren’t allowed to mention that he previously had expressed regret over missing an opportunity take his AR-15 to go deal with some looters?

Yeah this judge is clearly a right wing asshole.

Kid probably gets off regardless but this is our new future. Politically right wing judges doing culture war during trials.

Well actually it’s probably been going on for a long time I just never paid attention.

Is the prosection allowed to petition for a different judge? I know it’s too late now but this judge is obviously bias as fuck

This is a political right wing judge doing actual war during the trial.

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watched like 4 minutes of this on CNN during lunch, kyle seems even dumber than I thought but this prosecutor seems like a total clown, figure there’s about a 90% chance this kid walks


The lawyers watching agree with the judge’s opinions though. Maybe the prosecutor is in on it or incompetent.

It’s kind of the same thing as in the NFL game day thread. Why oh why would you do that shit right in front of the gd ref when he’s already flagged you numerous times? You’re just hurting the team here.

It’s almost like the only path to justice lies outside the legal system.

Gotta watch out for those logorithms distorting images on your ipad

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Gonna be awesome when Rittenhouse runs for Congress in a few years.


Results of fighting outside the legal system: 2 protesters dead, killer likely walks free.

Not advocating against protesting or working outside the system, but your vision also likely has a real cost in terms of dead bodies.

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I can see Rittenhouse getting acquitted. The judge seemed harsh on the prosecution but not like throwing a case harsh. Overall Rittenhouse is a moron but I can see a story of him acting in self defense being sold. If Zimmerman is an example Rittenhouse will promptly become a right wing nutjob racist

If Ahmaud Arbery’s killers get acquitted then f*ck that.

That smug arrogant smile that rittenhouse has in every single courtroom photo can’t be doing him any favors.

That’s more like it.


I don’t see a path to changing the system without picking up some dead bodies along the way. Could be those opposing the system or those defending the system depending on the path taken, but I’m pessimistic that we can have both justice and peace in our time.

We need Frank Galvin, but for the prosecution.

I’m just going to go ahead and preemptively refuse to condemn any riots when that happens.

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My memory of it is getting fuzzy. I thought he had already shot at people unprovoked before the skateboard guy came swinging?

But like, am I getting this right that in Wisconsin, you can walk up to someone, point a gun at them and if they retaliate, you get to shoot them in self-defense?

Edit: I shouldn’t even try to understand it. It’s not like the law is gonna be logically consistent when working backwards from desired outcomes like letting Rittenhouse walk. Obv if this were a black guy gunning people down at a nazi rally, there wouldn’t be a sweat as to whether he’d go straight to prison / death row.

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Yea all I hear is about this guy that lived and was a witness saying that he pointed a gun at Kyle first and so everyone’s been talking about that, but I haven’t heard about anyone that he actually killed and how that happened.

You really shouldn’t point a gun at someone unless you pull the trigger. If only this guy had…