ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

The police gratuitously beating him up while he is perfectly compliant definitely didn’t make them sympathetic

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Not really all cops in this story, seems like the local government here is fucked

Read the thread


Another problem is she hasn’t had an opponent in 21 years

In August 2000 — less than three months after the story was published — Rutherford County elected Davenport to the newly created job of juvenile court judge. Her opponent, a major in the sheriff’s department, was later charged with sex crimes against minors and, in a plea deal, got probation. Davenport has not had another opponent since.

Also she sounds like a prototypical discipline monster. She has a radio show were she rails on the kids now’a days and how she’s tough but fair. etc.

But also

In 2016, the Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct publicly reprimanded Davenport. In a family law matter, a father’s lawyers had asked to move his case to another county. By law, they were allowed to. But Davenport called “the father and/or his attorneys” a “sneaky snake,” the reprimand said. What’s more, she ordered that a transcript of her words be forwarded, possibly tipping the next judge to her animosity. The reprimand found that Davenport’s “intemperate conduct” threatened the right to a fair hearing.

In some other cases, appeals courts have taken Davenport to task through unusually blunt language.

In one, Davenport was overturned twice. Davenport, finding that a mother had neglected her daughter, granted custody to another couple. Two higher courts disagreed and ordered Davenport to reunify the mother and child. Instead, Davenport terminated the mother’s parental rights. The other couple then adopted the girl, after being “exhorted” by Davenport to move quickly, according to a state Court of Appeals opinion.

The adoption went through while a challenge to Davenport’s parental termination ruling was still pending. In the second go-round, a state appeals court judge made clear his displeasure, saying, during oral argument, “Our little system works pretty simply”: If a higher court tells a lower court to do something, the lower court does it. “That didn’t happen in this case,” he said. Two months later, the appeals court overruled Davenport for a second time. Saying it was “troubled by the proceedings to this point,” the court ordered Davenport to reunite the mother and child — “expeditiously.”

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In 2003, Rutherford County hired a consulting firm to help design a new detention center. The next year the firm produced a lengthy report, alerting Rutherford County that it was locking up kids at an exceptionally high rate. Jailing children should be “the last of a number of options,” the firm wrote. Less restrictive alternatives not only save money, they’re “more effective in reducing recidivism,” making them better for children and the community.

Jesus. You have a consulting firm to draw up a new building and they’re like “uhh you’re jailing way too many people”


Can’t call the dead people victims but can call them looters and rioters.

How does 3 = 6


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Judge seems pretty much on team Rittehouse according to Twitter law.

How about UP lawbros, anyone following this closely?

IanaL. Didn’t see any posts on this so I took it to the LC thread.

Seems not at all worth getting invested in this case. The law just does a bad job of capturing situations where someone goes out looking for trouble and then claims “self defense” when they find it.



Yeah isn’t the defense something like “black people came to riot and destroy property and got so wild they threatened Rittenhouse into shooting them”?

yeah. i was kinda following along with this on 2+2 to see the reactions… but i posted the same kinda thing there. it’s looking like acquittal because its just unfortunately not codified that it’s a crime to go hoping to shoot someone and then “fear for your life” and accomplish your dream.

cops do it literally every day

Wait the dude went and got strapped up to hunt some black people and murdered some of them and is going to be acquitted? I must really be out of it on this one, figured he was for sure going down. And they put him on the stand? What in the actual hell?

Wtf is happening in this court room? Like why is the 90 year old yelly bald dude defense lawyer wearing a black robe like judges normally wear?


The mom is the real psychopath here. Driving your kid off to a tense situation so he can parade around with a rifle is madness.


Nailed it. This judge is a peach. Dude’s gonna totally walk. USA_JUSTICE#1!

might be worth remembering that wisconsin is the only state in the US where there is no bar exam… everyone that goes to law school in wisconsin and passes is allowed in.