ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Guess COINTELPRO never ended after all

“This was meant to be private between him and his six guys,” said President of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police Tommy Reyes, holding up his fingers. “It was not supposed to be posted on Twitter.”

Reyes told Local 10 News the finger gesture meant “six” as in the number of colleagues on the officer’s shift, not white power.

this is also what @6ix says about his user name

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There are 7 guys in the photo.

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This sounds good to me, but as far as I can tell she recused herself in 3-4 days, so if she gets anything more than a slap on the wrist, I will be shocked.

Right, he’s saying “Here I am with my six bros” OBVIOUSLY.

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Guy in Minnesota is acquitted of attempted murder after shooting back after an unmarked police van rolled up and started shooting at him during the protests. Former veteran also showed more discipline than the supposed elite police SWAT team. They of course beat him while he was laying on the ground and then said he was resisting arrest

He didn’t move for 20 seconds as the officers approached.

“You f***ing piece of shit!” Stetson yelled, and began kicking and punching Stallings in the head and neck, according to court documents.

Stallings didn’t move. He was trying to surrender and de-escalate the situation, he said in an interview.

Bittell began kneeing and punching Stallings in the stomach, chest and back. The beating went on for about 30 seconds — with Bittell and Stetson punching and kicking Stallings in the head, neck, stomach, chest and back.

Midway through the beating, Stetson told Stallings to put his arms behind his back, and after handcuffing him, Bittell sat him up and kicked him in the ribs as Stetson continued hitting him in the head.

Even after his sergeant, Bittell, told Stetson to stop hitting Stallings, he continued. Bittell said, “That’s it; stop it,” but he continued until Bittell grabbed his hand and said, “It’s OK.”

The officers also arrested another person who was with Stallings, repeatedly tasing him.

Stetson beat Stallings so badly he said his hands and feet hurt afterward, and wondered aloud whether he broke his hand, according to court documents.


That’s a good start, but the police need to be fired and the victim needs to get paid.

Shocked, SHOCKED to find racism going on in here

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IMO the Colorado AG is the real racist because he’s the one bringing race into it.


Holy fucking shit these people are monsters.


Welp, it looks like cops actually can even shoot a white woman and more or less walk.

I don’t understand how there isn’t more retribution in cases like this. If this was my daughter, there’s a good chance that I’m going to jail for a long time.

I think the @NotBruceZ approach would be better – same retribution without the the whole ‘going to jail’ thing.

Guy’s lawyer released the evidence

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Incredible that a jury got this right. Sure looks like the police were trolling for someone to fire back at them.