ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

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GBNews getting the racism experts on to discuss what their footsoldiers are up to.

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You guys see the Instagram Live snuff film? Bust another cap in his ass, and he died. Time expired.


rapper killed on instagram live… or shot like ten times, he died later.

its a bit upsetting, he couldnt generate more than a whisper immediately afterwards, his system in all out shock and whatnot.

40 shootings, ten deaths in chicago over the weekend, another rapper wasted in the windy city as he was released from jail, shot 60 times


Not sure if this is the right thread but apparently you can now be charged with a hate crime for throwing away a sign and “smirking” at a cop in Utah.

Cross posted. Scrolled up a ways and didn’t see this

Police did nothing wrong here, but goes to show how scary it is to be a Black person and call for help. Not only was she treated rudely by the 911 dispatcher, but she felt the need to implicitly ask not to shoot her husband

In previous research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Camp and his colleagues analyzed more than 100 hours of police body cam footage and concluded that officers’ language was less respectful toward Black residents than their white peers.

Compared with white residents, Black community members were 57% less likely to hear the officer use words such as “sir,” “ma’am” and “thank you” and 61% more likely to hear words such as “dude” and “bro” and commands such as “hands on the wheel.”

The scientists analyzed hundreds of audio clips — each roughly 10 seconds long — from routine traffic stops of Black or white men. The researchers filtered out the high frequencies of the sound clips, which essentially rendered the clips unintelligible but left the tone of voice intact. They also masked the drivers’ voices with “brown noise,” so that anyone hearing the clip would not be able to guess the motorists’ race.

The researchers then asked more than 400 people — a diverse group of white, Latino, Asian and Black volunteers — to listen to the clips and rate the officers’ tone of voice.

Across the board, clips of officers speaking to Black men got lower marks for friendliness, respectfulness and ease than those of officers speaking to white men — even though the listeners were not aware of the drivers’ race.

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Interesting study, albeit not at all surprising.

What the fuck man


My sister got pulled over yesterday for expired registration, which somehow expired in March 2020. She obviously got off with no ticket. I’m sure being a white female had nothing to do with it though. For my proud 7ncle moment of the day, my 3 year old niece yelled as the officer was walking away “I hate police and don’t want to go to jail!!”


Imagine being a minority and acting like this dude. Fuck, I can’t imagine getting away with it around cops that know me lol. This guy does it for a job he says. This would be my preferred method of interacting with police too if I wasn’t scared of dying.

ETA: I do have a disorderly conduct from acting like this guy basically after a party in the 90s. Got my head slammed into a police car hood also.


Jfc this could have ended badly

Saw something that sounds like a very similar story, though I didn’t see guns drawn in this video from Cincinatti a few years ago. After police confront the men, one says he’s a realtor and showing the house, they place him in handcuffs, search through his pockets which uncovers several real estate agent cards, and his ID of course to validate who he is… they still kept them in handcuffs about another 5 minutes to search the house. Guess they paid out $151k and issued an official apology.

Hope these folks in Michigan get even more.

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It always amazes me just how many cops show up to stand around and do nothing.

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Overtime baby.

The federal government deliberately targeted Black Lives Matter protesters via heavy-handed criminal prosecutions in an attempt to disrupt and discourage the global movement that swept the nation and beyond last summer after the Minneapolis police killed George Floyd, according to a new report.

Movement leaders and experts said the prosecution of protesters over the past year continued a century-long practice by the federal government, rooted in structural racism, to suppress Black social movements via the use of surveillance tactics and other mechanisms.

Portland, Oregon, led in the number of charges brought for protest-related activity, making up 29% of federal charges. Chicago, Las Vegas, Washington, DC, and Minneapolis followed.

Can’t put heavy charges on the guys invading the capital building though