ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Yeah this slow march is going to be completely thwarted by the fact that the GOP plans on completely seizing control of the federal government. It’s not just African Americans, its like 80% of the democratic party doesn’t realize we’re do or die right now.


Last two posts are great. It’s also why expecting a solution given the current system and complicity by the libs/Dems is completely absurd.

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It makes sense to pick a fight with centrists if you have an accelerationist goal and hastening the collapse of the current regime so that space can be cleared to build something better. It makes sense to ally with centrists if you think that a quick collapse is a cataclysmic event and you want to buy time to try to come up a transition that is less damaging (and let’s be honest, the people on the margins always suffer the most in any transition).

But make no mistake, any transition will involve abrupt changes in direction. There is no smooth and steady progress without transitional costs. History does not work that way. Change on a large scale is always messy.

The Republican Party is such a threat that I think it makes a lot of sense to ally with centrists with the long-term plan of knifing the centrists in the back as soon as the GOP is no longer dangerous.

Yes, you got heat for supporting Pete, but this isn’t why.

No one is bashing Democratic politicians for talking to Trump supporters. For a recent example, I don’t recall any criticism of AOC when she did the Texas fundraiser after the ice storms and power outages.

Hell, many here praise Pete when he goes on Fox News and the like and shoots down right wing derp. He’s legitimately very good at that.

People just didn’t want him to win the primary, mainly because of his stance and campaign tactics on health care.

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“peak wokeness”

the white anitfa protestors or the black elders?


I don’t think you can adopt a politics where you’ll only be satisfied if everybody is nice to everybody and won’t find a stupid ass reason to dislike each other, and at the same time say we are the ones who are doing the “10% chance at all/90% chance at nothing” vs your “80% chance at something less”.


What is the something less in this case anyway? Like what non Black person friendly policy is the far left supporting? I don’t get it unless it’s not including Black conservatives. It’s not about voting rights or reparations. It’s about voting blocks and the block they are talking about are Black conservatives. 40% of Democrats in Louisiana describe themselves as pro-life. Sky, should the Democratic Party follow the Black conservative Democrats who are anti-abortion? Yeah, M4A and such doesn’t appeal to every Black person in the country. Some Black people are conservatives.

Perfectly cromulent of Bernie to say he didn’t do well in the conservative South and mean exactly that, that he didn’t do well with conservatives.



Not exactly sure what he’s talking about but from what I gather from Reddit, the entire world was rooting very strongly against England in the cup finals strongly because lots of English fans were acting like despicable assholes including booing a lil German girl and blinding a Dutch goalie with a laser during a penalty kick.

I’ll speak as a Scotsman…

Idiots are always around football whether it be club teams or national teams and it creates headlines are screen grabs for people to post & laugh about and it’s so easy to do it becomes lazy, ignorant and stops you from seeing the real football fans who do love their teams but also thrive in the competitiveness of the sport bringing joys, bringing lows and highs that can never be achieved in real life at time and can only be described as life changing moments because of the passion that flows through the viens.

Saka is Ash’s main rival, its her enemy in the PL and she dislikes Saka’s team with passion and over the course of this tourney she has come to embrace the English national team as her team and shown a whole generation of young people that just because a few idiots break through, cause untold damage and make headlines that it’s not a true reflection on the supporters of England.

There’s 1,000 of twitter feeds just like hers, expressing the same, bringing together fans from all generations and all cultures and it made the players journey to the stadium a memorable experience

I don’t feel it would be fair to rip on the English today, but instead to show the examples of what it means to be inclusive, give them a smile and say, well your boys done alright, they reached a final and are winners in the hearts of young English kids, the’ve brought a sence of compassion and have been sincere in taking the knee, they showed up Scotland and the SFA, they showed rasicm a yellow card and spoke about it on TV all the while knowing that a large section of the nation would turn on them if they didn’t win it all.

There is no doubt that we both as nations have a long way to go, them with there’s and us with our hatred towards not only people from other cultures but very real bigitory views towards any religion that’s not protestantism.

And as it can be real and can come not only to your place of work but it can also come straight up to your home to your wife and kids it’s a very real problem for anyone in the national spot light in this country to stand up for what they believe in, especially if that’s equality and its especially real if it’s equality to minorities, it takes a special kind of person to say, “enough is enough” and lots of English people stood up to the rasict this week and last, it may not break through yet because of our MSM being engulfed by right-wing think tanks etc, but it’s a start and it’s been better than what’s came before, Infact this England team not only surprised me but many more Scots who became puzzled by the thoughtful, intelligent and kinds words from not only the England manager, it also reverberated into the commentary and onto our screens so much that we had NO words to pick out & shove in there faces when the inevitable happened and that inevitable was when the DailyMail/TheSun and the daily express wrote their rasict headlines for the baying mod of deplorables for all to see and share on the twitterspheres and Internet as a whole.

Most of the fights you’ve seen on reddit and the twitterverse are from fans trying to stop the idiots breaking stuff and then fights starting due to that, some fights are just run of the mill stuff of immature young men and women and some was angry old men trying to relive their youth and I have to condone that as I did when it happened here just a few weeks ago, but the vast majority of fans this time and the vast majority of England fans where enjoying the break from their mundane life’s and enjoyed the football and footballers living the dream.

They showed humility last night and the majority of the fans managed to control the swings of delight to depression and tbh, if I was at that final and lost in penalties I may indeed have broken somethings because football brings out the fire in me and no doubt I may have lost it too at some points if I didn’t get an arm around my shoulders like the England manager done with Saka.

And that spirit is what I’ll take from this Euros, the spirit of togetherness in which Garath Southgate showed when managing the england team during a divided time and if you believed the headlines a divided nation.

There was many a English pub last night singing there’s only one Markus Rashford in the tune of a wonderful winter wonderland with the words christmas and feeding children after he missed the penalty and 100,000’s of kids and adults who adore that lad including me which in itself is an amazing achievement and is showing that its “Not all English who are rasict” and also if Garath can gets a spurs fan to love an arsenal fan he has achieved something special and is helping to breakdown those old rivalries like never before.

Getting the England manager on board with BLM was a massive coup the left should never forget and its made the UK seem to be a nicer place than even 3 months ago, I tip my hat to Garath Southgate and those England players but don’t tell my dad please as he may make me eat it afterwords./s



Before the game I read an article in a German newspaper musing about whether winning the Euros could unite a divided country. I wrote a comment on the lines of it possibly uniting England but further dividing the UK. I thought the best for Britain would be for England to lose the final gracefully. I guess you just proved my point.


I have no doubts if they won last night I’d feel differently and definitely wouldn’t have written that post and would be sulking away today.

It’s a funny moment because I don’t have any joy for them losing and actually feel slightly bad for them to lose in such a way again.

I’m sure it will pass though… :grin:


Comments are quite good too, but not as great as these kids :star_struck:


Every tournament the world has to endure “It’s coming home”. It’s super annoying but worth it in the end when it inevitably doesn’t come home.

(Priti Patel is Home Secretary)



Pretty sad that teenage professional footballers are the only voices of decency and justice left in the entire country. Good for them though.

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