ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad


Perhaps the most glaring example of white-centrism is the part of the conversation that directly objectifies Black voters for living in the south, eerily reminiscent of the time when Bernie Sanders mocked Black voters as being irrelevant because they lived in “red” states.

It’s kind of hard to read this with an open mind when it starts with just a blatant lie.

Edit: this a serious question, since you seem to be engaging sincerely here - did this sentence not bother you when it opened the article? Did you pause and ask yourself “did Bernie Sanders actually mock black voters for living in the south?” Does that dishonest framing color your opinion of the author’s motives?


Must be homework for the focus group :grinning:

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Self-identified ideology, however, is a deceptive tool when it comes to understanding moderate Democrats. For moderate Democrats - and among Black voters especially - ‘moderation’ is not about individual core beliefs but largely about pragmatism . There is not a wide gulf on values: Democrats from Pramila Jayapal to Joe Manchin all believe that health care is a right, obtaining education beyond high school should not get one into house debt, and systemic racism is a pervasive evil.

This is, of course, also complete bullshit. If you believe that healthcare is a human right, it’s not “pragmatic” to support policies that result in a huge portion of the population forgoing medical care every year because of the high costs. It’s fucking evil. Point blank.


This is a great point.

I couldn’t see it since I feel like this board constantly denigrates the South.

About the source - from their own website - I didn’t make them say this

the primary mission of Reclaim the Fight is to center liberal pragmatism and ruthlessly repudiate the far left in the analysis of public policy and current events.

Ruthless is right.


It’s more of a lie than a stretch, but OMG at having the nerve to make that cite. “This is credible. I have linked a source” (I know you’re not going to read it, lol)


You know what the world has been really missing these past 30 or so years? Ruthless neo-liberal pragmatism. Imagine how different the world could have been if the far left had been repudiated and we’d had decades of pragmatic neo-liberal policies. What a golden age we could have had. Glad to see these people fighting so hard for that.


Do you mean the skydiver posting that or the protestors at the event?

Lol I just watched the video in that last tweet… the protestors are the ones who are supposed to be coming off badly there? They’re just standing there.

This was a PR event organized by the police, not specifically for the black community, and not something that activists in the black community put together. It’s perfectly appropriate to protest it.



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I’m so glad you’re back dude.

I just wanna blockchain on your post and say women are fixing it too. Stoicism is powerful.


Not sky, u stinking genius.

Glad you are back :heart:


It’s OK, Bernie is going to be too busy talking to white working class MAGA voters now (posting this summary since not everyone pays for the NYT). I mean, I got mercilessly mocked for supporting a candidate who did this…I’m sure it’s fine now, though.

I have always and will always argue against the far left’s class reductionism approach. Even if everyone had the same amount of money in a perfect classless world…there would still be racists.

10% chance at all/90% chance at nothing vs. 80% chance at something less than all is what I consider progress. I’m sorry you disagree.

Bernie does absolutely not say his policies will erase racism lol. He says that it will give black people the financial stability and opportunity that even MLK preached about. He absolutely acknowledges that racism is a whole separate thing that needs to be dealt with, like Bernie is on the front lines of preaching about social justice far more than the shitlibs wearing african clothing and pretending to give a shit.

Giving policies that help alleviate inequality is just the first step in helping fight racism, and an important step. In no way has Bernie said it is the only step.

The only people who preach that shit are the full on commies who reduce shit to simply class warfare.

And yeah Bernie is talking to MAGA types because he polled better with them and independents than Biden by a pretty large amount. We HAVE to reach white working class people or we are doomed, I mean we’re probably doomed regardless but we can’t win if the entire white working class is against us because neo-liberal policies have fucked them too for 30 years.


80% of what though? Your numbers don’t reflect reality. The poorest, both black and white, are suffering more than ever before after 50 years of “the grown ups” being in charge with their 80%s. Everything keeps getting worse and the answer is be patient and stay the course? The course is off a cliff.


But it was good when Pete did it, right? (I didn’t mercilessly mock you for Pete going on Fox)

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I didn’t read the article, so this isn’t a comment on its contents at all, but I will say that (in my opinion) misunderstanding / mislabelling / wishcasting or making assumptions about POC are mistakes that the left, generally (from eDem to radical) tend to make way too often. It happens in different ways, but taking people from those demographics for granted generally describes the category of mistake.

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Bernie, no, listen to the Democratic base

For his part, Sanders has never hopped on the “Defund the police” bandwagon, instead arguing the opposite.

Speaking with The New Yorker last year, Sanders was questioned about a letter he sent to then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) arguing that cops should be paid higher wages.

“Do I think we should not have police departments in America? No, I don’t. There’s no city in the world that does not have police departments,” the Democratic socialist responded.

“I didn’t call for more money for police departments. I called for police departments that have well-educated, well-trained, well-paid professionals. And, too often around this country right now, you have police officers who take the job at very low payment, don’t have much education, don’t have much training — and I want to change that.”

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Yeah I think this is the heart of my disagreement with centrists. The Bidens of the world don’t offer a slow march toward progress like the pragmatists think, only a slower march off the cliff compared to the GOP. This might be worthy of a thread, though I can’t be the one to start it.