ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad



Prosecutors also want to admit evidence that Rittenhouse repeatedly punched a teenage girl during an incident on Kenosha’s lakefront the month before the August shootings.

Defense attorneys Mark Richards and Corey Chirafisi filed a response Thursday afternoon arguing that the incident on the lakefront is irrelevant and unrelated, and that there is no evidence that Rittenhouse is associated with the Proud Boys.

In a video of the incident at the lakefront that was widely shared on social media last summer, Rittenhouse is seen with a group of teenagers, including two teenage girls who are arguing. “The defendant grabs one of the two female teenagers (who is wearing a black shirt) from the back as this female subject is grappling with another female. The defendant then begins to punch her in the back repeatedly with a closed fist,” the motion states. “As this female teenager is pulled away from the defendant due to her ongoing struggle with another female, the defendant chases after her and begins to punch her in the back again.”

High speed chase in a residential neighborhood. Not a shooting but dead is still dead. Jfc.


When I saw this video a couple days ago I was very hopeful his residence would be visited by a large number of people. This is maybe 10 minutes from me, and that kind of shit doesn’t fly around here. I mean, it does amongst the deplorable circles I’m sure but I’m not at all surprised this hasn’t worked out well for the racist piece of shit who proudly gave his address in this heavily democratic and very diverse area of NJ.

One thing that pisses me off though is that the police clearly knew this guy on a last name basis and were so cordial with him. And of course the main videos that will spread from this are of black people throwing things at him and the police, which will be used by the right to demonize protestors.

Seems the punching a girl in the face more relevant than victim allegedly being a sex offender.

Sure sounds like justice will prevail!

Sometimes I love that the internet exists.

lol, okay then

Opps… Wrong meme

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Bye bitch


Hahahaha of course that statue is still there 4 years later. This country is hilarious.


peak wokeness


seems relevant. Please read with an open mind.

…instead of explaining to their own flock that preferences, outlook, & leadership of communities of color should be centered, they’re stuck trying to lecture Black voters about why they should come on board with class solidarity…

the…movement is riddled with white grievance, class reductionism, & the view that people of color outside their white-centered circle - & especially Black people - are audiences to be persuaded rather than core constituencies whose concerns should be centered & lead followed.


But Black Democrats are pragmatic and patient, qualities the woke left has openly berated as weak, cowardly, and even corrupt. The patience of Black voters is not about delaying justice but about never giving up no matter how long it takes to get it. No one knows better than Black Americans how hard and gradual progress is. They are skeptical of politicians who are big on promise and short on patience, something that has come to define modern leftism.

I mean obviously anyone who shows up to a black funeral, or anywhere really as " antifa " is going to be an absolute dipshit.

I mean anyone who actually identifies as Antifa is going to be a grievance driven complete dipshit. Luckily there are probably only a complete thousand of people like this

It’s an insanely stupid article. I hope Chapo does a reading series on it.


I will offer a tiny bit of substance to not be a complete jerk.

That article tries to frame black people as one singular group that all believe the same thing. Then it tries to paint “progressives” as the real racists.


You’re the ones who do this!

Remember? Every time you all said “omg the toxic bernie bros” like the core constituencies of the bros weren’t fucking young black women, or that Bernie’s oldest and most high-profile boosters aren’t Killer Mike and Cornel West, or that a bunch of black anti-electoralist communists like Boots Riley didn’t decide to vote for the first time because they thought the Bernie movement was real, or that we can’t go to twitter and search for those same young black women heartbreakingly talk about how they begged and pleaded with their parents and grandparents to support Bernie, or that in terms of USA#1 you got Eugene Debs a century ago but since then every leftist socialist voice hasn’t been black. All that was the “view that people of color… are audiences to be persuaded rather than core constituencies.” That’s you all.

So gtfo with this drivel. The real talk is that you had a once-in-a-lifetime chance to actually bring forth actual transformative change through top-down presidential electoral politics, and you whiffed. And all these drivel articles are meant for people like you to assuage your guilt.