ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Yeah, I support punishing cops in particular more harshly also. And I also agree that if Chauvin’s sentence looks kinda light compared to other things, the play is to reduce the sentence for those other things.

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I hear what people are saying about wanting the sentence to be harsher, but I’m taking the view that if every cop who murdered someone spent 15-20 years in prison it would be a big improvement over where we are now.

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My only concern is Chauvin could be out in time to run in the 2036 GOP primary.

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It would be quite easy to write a law that doubles any sentence if the crime is committed while being an on duty police officer. The justification for this would be that any crime committed by a police officer undermines the public trust in the rule of law and it is also dangerous to impossible to justifiably defend yourself or someone else against the police.


I thought there was extra sentencing/charges if the crime was committed “under color of authority” (or something like that). Maybe that only applies to civil proceedings?

There are not going to be any primaries then silly goose!

Seems greedy. How do you feel about robot ops?

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I wonder what all the people in town outraged by this thought about George Floyd.

I thought we knew this last summer.

I don’t remember if we knew knew or if it was more of a rumor. Always good to repeat and emphasize.

Don’t worry, there will be elections by then.

This is very solid, assuming it’s true.


Qualified immunity is a SCOTUS thing, states can’t get rid of it.

Edit: retracted

Huh. I’m pretty sure states can choose to qualify the degree of immunity it affords its peace officers.

I was wrong. Qualified immunity is a product of common rather than constitutional law and may be changed by statute.

Green chile and now this.

Colorado GOAT.