ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I heard about her murder. i2i posted about it a couple posts up thread.

That’s wild that a “he was just a DUI who happened to hit protesters” narrative is being pushed. That’s a new twist. Usually it’s lone wolf, random bad apple, or mental illness excuses for violence against protestors.



I was just catching up in this thread and was about to post this. Good to see that my work here is done.

Perhaps Czech Republic will have its own George Floyd moment. I mean it’d be nice but they probably won’t.

-Victim is a member of a historically marginalized, overpoliced group
-Multiple witnesses telling officers he can’t breathe
-Officers kneels on his neck until the man stops moving/breathing
-Afterwards, cops say drugs led to his death and not their actions

-This guy was fighting another Roma and damaging nearby cars prior to cops arriving, not passing counterfeit bills
-Most people hate Roma and discriminating against them is completely accepted
-No way do the cops even get charged with anything related to this

I mean you can see it in the comments there and on basically any Czech language article. Nothing but hate for Roma.

22 years? That’s it?

More than I expected, tbh.


What were you expecting?

Plenty of time for someone to kneel on his head in prison.

IDK. If you straight up murder someone, prison for life.

How old is Chauvin?

  1. So if he lives, he’ll be a bitter old man. Great. What could go wrong?

Under Minnesota statutes, Chauvin could be sentenced only on the most serious charge: unintentional second-degree murder, which has a maximum sentence of 40 years.

Cahill could have sentenced Chauvin to as little as 10 years and eight months or as much as 15 years in prison and remained within sentencing guidelines. The presumptive sentence for a person like Chauvin, who had no criminal history, is 12½ years for second-degree murder.

Some context.

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Seems lenient in the context of US sentencing, but 22 years is a really fucking long time. I question there being any additional benefit to a longer sentence beyond preventing any danger you think he poses to society at age 67.


You can run for president at 67.


He was convicted of unintentional murder, 22.5 is nearly double the recommendation. I think it’s fine / expected

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Someone was on MSNBC yesterday that said in MN you can get 1/3 off the sentence for good behaviour. So, 15 years.

Just put him in with people already serving life sentences.

He can get Epsteined for all I care.


That’s most places afaik. Well probably not red states

This is true.