ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I’m not saying there not reported, I’m saying the underreporting is massive and our national papers do not have local crime reports etc, some local rags carry some of the stories and bloggers like I posted above prove that there loads going on being under reported and under investigated.

Due to the lack of police resources the MSM here tend to miss a lot, not that there’s folks walking around with wounds etc.

I think I may have misspoke earlier.

I’ll take the L on London & most American City’s though and tbh I didn’t realise the city’s were that bad, jeez gun crime alone over in the States is out of control and us UK folks just don’t seem to take that in or I don’t. :joy: As its not the 1st time I’ve had to re-check myself wrt crime stats comparisons.

From Cobb County (GA) schools’ superintendent:

With many questions about Critical Race Theory being sent to the District during Thursday’s Board of Education meeting, many in the Cobb community, the media, and across the state wondered what Cobb Schools would say about the issue.

Superintendent Chris Ragsdale made it clear that the staff in Cobb Schools will continue to focus on keeping Cobb’s schools, schools. “As long as I am Superintendent, I will commit to keeping any theory or curriculum, which is not part of Georgia’s standards, out of every Cobb County classroom,” Superintendent Ragsdale said on Thursday evening.

I will bet my property taxes that he doesn’t known what CRT is.

Of course he does, its ANOTHER attack by the deep state communists against the most OPPRESSED people in America, White Conservative Christians! CRT is EXACTLY the same as what the Nazis did to the Jews!

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Apparently a kid used a Hitler quote and attributed to George Floyd to get it printed in their yearbook. Glastonbury is a very white, well-off to very wealthy, suburb, but definitely leans blue to dark blue.

This likely isn’t something to make rise to the national news but it furthers the point that giving platforms to people like MTG is harmful.

Rittenhouse has said he used $1,200 in enhanced unemployment pay after his lifeguarding job was ended during the coronavirus pandemic.

These three cops pled (pleaded?) not guilty today.

Two Tacoma police officers entered pleas of not guilty Friday in Pierce County Superior Court, a day after they were charged with second-degree murder and first-degree manslaughter in the March 2020 death of Manuel Ellis on a South Tacoma street.

A third police officer, who is charged with first-degree manslaughter, also entered a not-guilty plea for his role in Ellis’ death.

Tacoma police officers plead not guilty in killing of Manuel Ellis

Pleaded is the more accepted one though for practical use they’re interchangeable.

Anyway, here’s hoping Chauvin’s guilty verdict sets a precedent


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The Chauvin case was a unicorn. It was 9 minutes of a brutal snuff film, filmed from a dozen different camera angles. It showed a police officer slowly murder a man over the course of 9 fucking minutes while he begged for his life. That kind of shit is rare even in war. When I prosecuted homicides, strangulation homicides were much rarer compared to gunshot, stab wound, or blunt trauma homicides. It is really fucking hard to slowly, deliberately, and so personally take another human life with nothing but your bare hands. And to do it over the course of 9 fucking minutes while the person begs for their life? while a crowd also begs for the person’s life? While good samaritans try to intervene to stop it? That footage was so bad that you had the likes of Mitch Fucking McConnell immediately denouncing the police officer and Mitt Romney marching with BLM. It is unfortunately not precedential in any way in my opinion. Chauvin was always, always getting convicted.

Even the far right people who stood up for Chauvin at the end did it only using process arguments.


This could have made a difference. If it weren‘t for that he might have claimed that never in a million could he have dreamt that Floyd was ever going to die resulting in a lesser charge.

This is easy to say in hindsight, but most everyone was sweating it at least a little.

I don’t know. I mean the crowd certainly made it worse, but that video even without a crowd with a man slowly dying while begging for his life evokes just such a visceral reaction. The prosecution won this case in openings when they played it. Everything that came after was just window dressing.

I mean, the only thing I think I ever sweated in this thread was the small small chance of the jury hanging on some counts. There is a lot of uncertainty in jury trials that fall within like the 80th percentile of crimes. This fell into the 1 percentile.

I’ll agree he was never getting acquitted. But hung jury was in play. You just have one racist deplorable in the jury and that’s all it takes. Think of how many people now even maintain that Chauvin was wrongly convicted. We had to fade one of that type of person making it on the jury. And they’re not exactly scarce.

Hung jury is always in play, but this is the type of the case that the prosecution easily tries multiple times if they get a hung jury with 1 holdout. The odds of 3 or 4 hung juries in a row on a case like this? Astronomical. The end result would always have been the same. Bear in mind that hung juries in general are very rare in our system of justice, the pressures of the jury room are real. I myself had 1 hung jury out of over a hundred cases I tried, and my colleagues were taken aback when it happenned.

I need to brag about my boomer parents and rant about racists assholes, so this seems like the appropriate thread. Might be a bit long. This graphic will help with the story telling:

My parents live in house A. House B is being rented to a Black family. They moved in last July. A mom and two high school aged kids who moved here from a much rougher area so that the kids could go to a good high school and get out of the more dangerous lifestyle that their previous location promoted. They are extremely respectful, nice, genuinely good people. House C are the racist assholes.

Since July, House C has called the cops on the kids upwards of 40 times. They complain mostly of noise violations (there are none), and the kids playing basketball at the star location on the map above (which is right in front of my parents driveway) sometimes as late as 10pm! OMG the horror! Recently my dad set up a spotlight on top of his car so that the kids could see the hoop better. It did not even remotely illuminate C’s property. C called the cops and said they kids were shining a light in to her bedroom. They also harass the family in person. House B was put up for sale two months ago to take advantage of the higher market pricing, which is a whole other shitty issue since the family now can’t find anywhere to live that would keep their kids in this school district. The house is under contract with an October settlement. House C wife recently drove by and yelled at House B mom that she needs to be showing the house more because there are good families that want to live here. Yes, really. It’s not even their fucking house and not their responsibility to show it, besides the fact it already sold you douchewaffle.

Anyway, the cops showed up again last night and my dad was outside at the time. Cops approached him and asked if he was the neighbor who called them. I’ll try to quote my dad’s talk to the cops as best I can: “No. But I’m glad you are here because I’d like to file a complaint. There is exactly one family in this neighborhood that is an issue and I’d like to report them for harassing others. It is House C. They call you out here once a week or more, waste township resources, take you away from more important issues, and put these kids in a dangerous situation. Let’s face it. You have a group of young Black men who are out here causing no trouble at all. Just the fact that the police show up puts them in danger. It’s mentally traumatizing and they rightfully have to fear for their lives every time you show up here. You personally have likely been here multiple times. How many times was there actually a problem that you had to address, Officer? (Officer admits he has been there a lot and never had to do anything). The reality in this country is that Black families are being tormented by racists and cops who enable the racists. House C is weaponizing the township resources to harass these kids on a weekly basis and endanger their lives. I’d really like you to consider not showing up here when they call you going forward.”

I am so fucking proud of my dad. And so fucking disgusted at House C. Being black in America is not easy. Being an anti-racist white person is the least we can do to try to make things better. The cop took my dad’s information and I am confident that my dad will actually put in the legwork to make sure a complaint is filed against House C, in whatever form that takes

I’ve had a lengthy conversation with one of the kids. He poignantly said that House C hates them because they are different whereas he loves them despite their differences. He said “they’ve called the cops on me just for existing over 30 times, but I still hand delivered them a Christmas card and gift because you gotta love your neighbor”. We could all benefit from loving others despite our differences.



I’ll buy your dad a beer any time. What a fucking hero.


That’s incredible. Your dad is an absolute boss. I wish nothing but the best for those kids, too. And their mom, she sure raised them right.

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