ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

My dad has always been like that and never does it for the accolades, but I’ll pass on your kind words as a way to thank him and encourage him to continue standing up for what’s right. I’m actually thinking there’s around a 50% chance he and and my mom will offer to house the family for a year so the kids can finish high school here. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done something like that.

When I pulled up to their house last night at 10:15 my dad was walking over from the neighbors backyard where he had been taking some shots with them. This was after the cops came. Pretty fucking cool for a 71 year old white guy.

The more I think about House C the angrier I get. They never once called the police on me or my friends, and we’d actually end up on their property occasionally when playing wiffleball or frisbee. Just straight up racist assholes.


Can you thank your dad from an actual Stoop kid, he’s the dude who helped us get out of trouble just for doing the same shit as those kids…


That kid will remember your dad the rest of his life as a stand up guy and no doubt will return the favour as he sounds like the future we need.



Update on this: my dad went to the police station yesterday to formally file a complaint against House C. Basically told the police that when something happens to one of these kids, be it at the hands of the racists neighbors or at the hands of a murderous cop who comes out on their harrassment detail yet again that it will be documented that they had been warned. House C has been trying for 10 months to get these kids arrested or killed, and my dad wants that known and documented.

Fucking hero confirmed.


Another person adding on that your dad is a fucking awesome human being and people like him make this world not as bad as it could be.

I don’t know him but I love him and would also buy him a beer.

When my mom would get real sick and be in the hospital I would post on FB and would get like 80+ friends wishing her well and sending love and all that and I’d take screenshots and show them all to her ( couldn’t go in because covid ) and it really raised her spirits that there really are a lot of caring people out there that may not know you but appreciate you and love you none the less.


actually I showed her some stuff from here too when you all did the same and it also put a huge smile on her face.

So yeah let all the love for your dad build up in this thread as it goes on and show him for sure. No matter what it always feels nice to know that others really do appreciate you.

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His friend is obviously most likely a pos too but there’s something special about Kyle roping some other dude into his shit. “Chad gave me the gun!” Lol snitch.


I’m sorry but it’s blowing my mind that there’s yet another layer of awfulness to this dude. Chad might’ve fantasized about shooting black protestors too but he walked it off and played some Call Of Duty at home man wtf.

15 dead, $165m in damage. A long form investigation of the damage from the rioting.


I hate to keep dragging this hyper localized neighborhood issue into this thread but it’s a good place for me to let out my frustration and sadness, and maybe get some advice on what if anything I can do better. The wife from House C made a post on our neighborhood Facebook group today. The family in House B is not in this group, which encompasses a large area with hundreds of homes. I have no interest in starting a war between her and my parents, but I could not let her go unchallenged on an open forum. Once she replied to my sister saying “well you obviously don’t live here” (she lives 4 minutes away and is here multiple times a week, and lived here through high school) I had to jump in.

I mean, she publicly listed this families address. She’s trying to get others to join in her harassment campaign. When she says “quiet” neighborhood she clearly means “white”. The way she uses “renters, in this neighborhood!” as a derogatory slur pisses me off too. She’s just a disgusting human and I am so sad and angry. These poor kids.


Oh, one more side note, the (white) boomers that lived in the house before the current family would regularly have very loud sex in their backyard at 2am. I’d come home from work and hear her screaming at the top of her lungs. This bitch never called the cops on them for that. Curious, isn’t it?


Keep up the good work!

Is GOATDad gonna weigh in? He’s done plenty, but I feel like he could really bring the heat.

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GOATdad is not on Facebook and that’s definitely for the best I think. He’s way too attached to electronics so I have actively discouraged him from ever joining. But I’m interested to hear his take when I share this development with him.

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That’s really just further evidence of GOATness.


I just shared all of your comments with my dad and we both got teary talking about this situation. He says thanks for the support and he’d love to chat and would happily take you guys up on the beer offers once covid is safely behind us.

Apparently the police were very appreciative of him going to the station and chatting with them. The officer he mainly spoke to promised him that he would share everything my dad said with the department at the morning meeting, as well as with the dispatch team who fields the calls from the racist. Another quote he shared was “every time an officer pulls up to a situation he or she must make a very quick assessment. There is inherently risk of the officer making a devastating mistake during those stressful moments. Every time this lady calls the police she is possibly, maybe even likely hoping that a mistake is made. She is weaponizing your department against this family and it’s eventually going to end tragically.”

This is how you use your privilege to stand up for people. I’ve always respected this guy but these past few days have made that respect even stronger :heart:.



weekly driveway concerts

The neighbors here dance and enjoy it though.

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Brad you’re dad rules.

Anxiously awaiting the FB reply to your post!


Loud 2 am backyard sex has me laughing way too hard. Did they have some nice furniture out there or was he just bending her over the grill? Maybe they liked laying in the grass, brought back memories of their hippy days


I mean, it’s a pretty nice backyard but certainly not secluded enough for any sense of privacy when loudly having sex. I never peaked over the fence during so I can’t tell you if it was on the nice outdoor furniture, in the pool, on the grass, or bent over the Webber.

Love this idea. So…my parents are having my brother and his wife, two of their friends, and my aunt over on Friday afternoon for a backyard cookout. I started to ask “can we play some lou…” and was cut off by my mom who said “done. Absolutely. Going to blast music.”

I got a notification a few hours ago that she replied, but whatever it was had been very quickly deleted. She has been silent since. Hopefully I shut her down and don’t need to drag this out. My comment is getting some likes and hearts though so I’m happy to know that others are watching from the sidelines and taking note of this racist.


Where are the first parts of this story? I’m having trouble following the lore about your dad’s involvement and what not but everybody else seems to be totally familiar.

If you all want to experience a whirlwind of emotion, watch this:

That’s the dude who shot the kid (shot the car filled with four kids) in the Florida parking lot over the loud music (black kids, loud RAPS, racism duh).

There’s a part towards the beginning-middle, where the detectives are doing a great job nailing the dude to the floor over his initial embellished statement about how the kids had a shotgun or something that could resemble a shotgun in dim light. The detectives tell him that there wasn’t any weapon or anything that resembled in the area, and they couldn’t have thrown it off because they didn’t leave the parking lot. The dude says well, I’m sorry but I thought there was a gun, and the black detective goes for a, what turns out to be successful, headshot, by saying…

…we don’t shoot people just because we think they might have a gun.

Swirl all that around in your brain cocktail for a little bit.