ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

If he succeeded in running away, he could have fathered the next Hitler! Righteous Kill, ldo.

I read about 2 sentences of this dipshit’s statement, but essentially he is saying that cops should shoot any black guy that is driving a car because potentially they might decided to run over cops, right?

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I read the reason article on this. The cops surrounded the truck, the guy backed up and drove, not seemingly at any particular officer. An officer reached out, like dumb people do, to stop the truck with his hand and his hand got wacked by the truck. The cops then unloaded as he drove away.

By his shackled ankles, face down, on the pavement, hands cuffed. Disgusting.


The autopsy listed the cause of death as “acute combined drug intoxication” with meth in his system.

But it also listed “asphyxia” as a “contributory cause of death” and ruled it a homicide

Can’t say they’re racist if they unjustly kill white people too


The median home price in CA is $813k. Everyone who isn’t rich or already owns property is either thinking about leaving or moving into a tent next to the freeway at this point. (Or maybe a campervan - the middle class)

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“A Met police statement said there was nothing to suggest that it had been a targeted attack.”

There are about a dozen shootings per year in all of London. Fuck the police. They probably did it.


Errr No

London is rife with gun incidents each day of every day, its went down somewhat in recent years but has not subsided nearly enough to make a difference and has out numbered Glasgow for years now relative to population, it is the most dangerous city in Europe and 1 of the highest poverty rates too.

London City is cool though. :v:

There’s probably more murders in London than most American city’s as it has a rather large gang presence and the majority of the crime is washed under the carpet while black on black crime is highlited.

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You’re saying there are way more than 120-150 murders per year (pulled from wiki) and authorities are not categorizing them as murders or just making them disappear?

If you go by the murder stats they are very low for a city as big as London when compared to any large US city. Per capita it’s probably lower than the US as a whole country.

Because of the way the Tories have slashed the police and services we don’t get to hear all the details of the crimes being committed down south in London everyday, sure there reported somewhat, but the stats etc are only produced to back the Tories up etc, same as the GOP really.

Sure I agree here, what I mean to say is that in the UK & London there are areas on the outskirts of the city that are rife with crime, there small areas that produce lots of incidents everyday and the police will not investigate them all, its gotten worse and worse in the poor areas and lack of policing in general has made it worse.

So most poor areas of London are used to gain stats etc, while they stop & search folks for random fines, while the most obvious drug gangs still get to roam around, for instance we have a drug running problem here for years called County lines and they could stop in all tomorrow because most small towns here only have a few entries or exits etc, outsiders stick out like a sore thumb while the local Cops get their cut etc, our city is also rife with Curruption and bad Cops as the same folks have been running the drug scene here for decades and it’s the same down south, all the major families are well known and have been in the game for years, their crimes are vastly under reported while the Torys splash newspapers with 14 year old caught up in the County lines stuff.

There’s loads of underreported crimes on this channel, he only provides factual information provided by verified sources.

Ash sarkur also does very good work on this and has written some very good stuff about London and the lack or police & social resources, cuts to all the youth stuff etc.

Detectives are investigating whether somebody else at the gathering was the intended target

The police do not believe the shooting was targeted

Uhm, are the detectives not the police?

Why would a felony search warrant on a home require shooting a guy driving away. Did they have an arrest warrant?

I am confused. If the house tried to drive away I am all for shooting it.

A very short piece on the national BBC news at 6, showed the house where the incident happened and area, its a high crime area with lots of incidents around the drug & drill-music wars.

This looks more like the random shootings every week down there than a targeted attack tbh.

Edit: The fact that most fled the house in question seems to suggest it was a drive by type by someone on a scooter or bike and known to the locals, they should catch or get a line on suspects I’d imagine just by FB posts alone in that world.

First time I ever wished someone got AIDS.

That is so absurd. Home prices in California have been absurd forever but they keep getting worse.

I have lived there twice and both times I moved to Texas after, the amount of home you could buy was crazy and last time was like 15 years ago.

Even worse is land size. You are pretty much getting a tiny fraction of land for a large multiple in price.

Tents by the freeway are going for $650,000.


I don’t post stats without looking them up brother.

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I know and looked them up myself and seen that shooting are far more common in London than people seem to think, murder though you are correct sir.

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My deplorable mother says the name about NYC.

Obviously not every single crime is going reported. But people don’t just walk around with a gunshot wound and have it heal magically on its own. Unless they’re part of some gang with a doctor willing to act on the DL, they’re going to the ER or dying.