ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I don’t care that this is literally just a twitter link, I’m going @BestOf



So yes this does look super fake, but the only thing that I don’t get is why not just film him “getting away”? Doesn’t it really complicate things that because you caught him now you are obligated to actually charge him and all that? I mean I’m sure it’s part of some kind of broader deal they made, but still.


Did they?

Yeah and charged him with several crimes.

My ideal society:

  1. Police abolished
  2. Sexual anxiety and insecurity increased

p.s. sorry smacc

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All you mfs better not have penises and/or vaginas that are too big or too small or just plain look weird so help me God.

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I knew there was no way I was gonna go back and make sure I’ve read the thread without grunching something. I don’t even know why I lie to myself.

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6ix just faved a post of mine from September.


Lady on Twitter says it’s creepy to like a month old instagram post. I’m gonna need a guide if I get IG.

It’s only creepy if you’re unattractive


If it wasn’t staged (and maybe even if it was) then that guy might be mentally ill.

Today the cops in SLC seemed more visible than usual. Kicking a lady out of Walmart, reason unknown. Rousting a homeless dude on the sidewalk, reason unknown. Four of them helping a white lady break into her SUV. Well, one working the tool, three of them watching.

You’ll just be paying people to help gentrify and push out lower income people eventually. It just won’t achieve what you are trying to achieve. A better system would be to build affordable housing for minorities in the rich neighborhoods.

You’re an amateur - he just hearted a post of mine from July.


The police would’ve long been abolished/defunded/decimated/etc if it was commonly understood, not even shouted from the rooftops, just universally acknowledged, just how horrible it can get for a whole lot of white people. Not just for grimy dudes who look like extras in Sons Of Anarchy like, uh, myself, but actual pants-creased hair-parted bland-ass honest-to-goodness white people. It’s already been referenced in these threads that this was one big factor in advancing LGBT+ rights. When some average white person claims they’re not scared, at least a little wary, of police and does that whole follow-and-comply song and dance, the response shouldn’t be “well that’s because you’re white” it should be “lol I know you’re lying.”

Like, oh snap, it can be worse if you’re black, no shit? This country started as a fucking rebelling slaver colony for God’s sake, nobody’s mind is getting blown by that not-so-best-kept secret.

I just deleted a paragraph about why and was gonna delete the whole post but said fuck it.


Lol nah you don’t. I’m just sharing thoughts; I think my strategy is posting as a way to not succumb to full jadedness and pessimism.



Nothing to see here!


In the UK any new housing development has to include a proportion of ‘affordable’ housing. Forcing developers to build cheap apartments in otherwise wealthy neighborhoods would help a lot of problems.