ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Re: injecting white people into minority communities you might be on to something.

I’ve talked openly about this before but really one of the biggest things that changed me as a person was moving into a neighborhood that was 90% minority more than a decade ago. I will admit I was a terrified white person who literally thought I was going to get drive byed or some other terrible thing was going to happen to me. On the contrary my neighbors were great and nothing meaningfully bad happened to me. The second biggest thing that changed me was travel to “scary” places.

Once I saw, firsthand, that the Fox News boogeyman was basically a lie the rest of the prejudice and right wing constructs I was hanging on to faded away rather quickly.


It’s problematic because the main way that white people get injected into a minority neighborhood is through gentrification.

Herding minorities into segregated communities make them easier to ignore, even if some of them “escape”, but if minorities are more evenly distributed throughout society, it’s not as easy to segregate schools or redline neighborhoods.

The problem is white flight. The white people run away at the sight of dark people. Maybe there’s some sort of housing policy that can make white places too expensive for middle class whites to ever dream of running away to while also creating financial incentives for white people to move to majority minority neighborhoods.

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This already exists. It’s called gentrification and it doesn’t achieve the result you are going for. This problem never gets solved until America’s underlying econmic disparity problem is solved.

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I’m thinking of directly paying poor or working class white people to move, which will bring in a different sort of people.

It’s still gentrification.


So can I call this fuck head and ask him if he’s “perfected his elderly woman hog tying technique, you disgusting man child cowardly pig” or something similar? I’m old and poor want to be sure I wont get on some cop list, but would love to fuck with this joke of a man. Tell me the best way to safely voice my scorn.

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This is not necessarily good news IMO. Baltimore got a consent decree after the Freddy Gray stuff, and the requirements imposed by DOJ are largely things like hiring additional officers and putting more money into training. It’s not fixing anything, and is arguably making it worse.

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What’s nuts is this guy has literally zero experience as a police officer. He was in the Army but there’s no evidence that he actually killed anyone that I can find. He has no academic training in this area either. Everything about him is total bullshit.

I guess the only thing separating me from becoming a millionaire is a conscience.

This outrageous attack would never happen under Trump! (Twitter speculation says staged.)

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He’s suspended so you probably won’t reach him on that line, though you might be able to leave him a message. I’m sure there are plenty of people who are airing their grievances and I doubt they expend the manpower to put every person who leaves Hopp an earful on some dissident’s list.


He missed out on the oscar’s by one day!

I’m glad someone was recording the cop take notes while this guy came to hit him with a ski stick(?) and then just backs up slowly while looking at the cops who then lazily run after him

From the department that does stuff like this I’m leaning towards fake

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Milk, Sugar, Cream, Corn Syrup, Natural Flavor, Mono and Diglycerides, Cellulose Gum, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Vitamin A Palmitate.

Idk what carrageenan is so it could be poison.

I like how they feel the need to let us know that the DA is going to prosecute this guy. Like, did anyone doubt that would happen (assuming it’s not staged)? Is there anyone out there who is really anxious about whether this vigilante hitting meter maids with what appears to be a really long straw gets taken off the streets? At least when they tried to scare people with the “knockout game” that looked like something that was actually dangerous. On the other hand this appears to be a devastating tap to the neck?


So I decided on an email. First time out with the resistance, probably need to work on my technique lol:
Hello Officer Hopp I just wanted to write to commend you on your flawless hog tying technique of the elderly scofflaw last year. It’s hard times for Walmart and even an unsuccessful $14 shoplift should be met with no mercy. I understand your giddiness as you watched your flawless execution and bones ‘pop’ on the body cam video, you should be proud of a job well done patriot! Once you are back from suspension you should get the See Candie’s beat, undoubtedly any toddler who dares to waddle out of the candy store can expect swift justice, and with any luck you’ll be able to employ your taser, toddlers like to squirm too so be ready!

p.s. Hey man, I was going to go on an obscenity laced tirade, but you are not worth it. You are an embarrassment to manhood and anyone who watched your ‘arrest’ and body cam video play date with your cop buddy knows you as a putz. Try to realize it and make wholesale changes in life outlook and personality, there’s a shit ton of room for improvement.