ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Having an issue is a nitpick semantical issue.

Nothing wrong with the movement or the phrasing of it. Extreme action is necessary. People need to educate themselves.

All the alternative suggestions are woefully and horribly inadequate.

People are going to need to educate themselves to the movement not to a slogan.


Can’t we get body camera footage via the FOIA? It’s fucking insane cops can just hide it.

Most FOIA laws exempt material that’s part of an ongoing investigation.


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Interesting Twitter thread. Shockingly, I am a fan of this one:


Serves the prick right.

God this thread gives me way too much anxiety.

It’s informative but the videos definitely fuck with me.

Some of them are from last summer and were probably already posted, they span the past year.

In a just world that asshole would be charged with possession, distribution, tampering with a crime scene, and every other possible thing that can be thrown at him. Nauseating shit.

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I was literally just typing up a long post about that very thing and paused to walk the dog.

To me a video like that encapsulates what’s so fucked up more than any video of direct violence can, save for maybe the video of George being murdered, because of the calm calculated banality of it all. There’s no heat of the moment, fog of war, plausible deniability to even attempt, like, “The officer feared for his life and felt his only choice was to calmly plant the drugs and try to ruin the person’s life with a felony drug charge. Until you’re out there facing what these brave officers face day in and day out, you can’t judge their choices.” Something like that.

And if we recall, that’s what was so horrifying to many about Floyd’s murder: Chauvin just calmly killed a man like it was nothing.

We can play devil’s advocate and say that everything leading up to his knee on George’s neck was understandable, as in, not at all good or right by any definition but understandable as it followed the cause and effect in a script that cops want the public to believe: there’s a criminal, a bad guy, and the good guys need to catch him to keep the public safe. Sure, let’s go with that. After 10 or 20 seconds of his kneeling on his neck that’s done. The bad guy is thoroughly fucking caught, the good guys won, hooray. Then they (let’s be real, it’s a they; one of the others could’ve stopped Chauvin in a face-saving manner) just fucking murdered him.

Cops don’t really care if you see the extreme shit, the direct violence, because the bulk of the evil stops short of murder and is done in the calm moments that people will never see and wouldn’t even think to look at. Yes, it’s fucking nauseating just how trivially they’d commit a heinous criminal act that any decent person would never dream of, with absolutely zero repercussions.


how did the “here’s a short post in between finishing the long post” post get so long


To him it was nothing. He was more focused on the pebbles stuck in his tire treads at one point.

I didn’t see the cop get punched by anyone, all I see is one falling out of nowhere

Correct, when he seen the photo of his wife ******** ****** **** **** he fainted.

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Well said. The other thing that really bothers me is the “few bad apples” argument. Good apples don’t stand by and let bad apples do that shit. If you are a cop and don’t act to prevent these abuses then you are just as guilty. Period.

I don’t know how it happened, but the union guys in Minnesota that came to Chauvin’s defense quite vigorously were silenced and the blue wall crumbled in that instance. I strongly suspect it had to do with the video and less with integrity. Basically cutting out the cancerous Chauvin. Let’s see if they head right back to the beach without sunscreen.



Still not a fan of the semantic debates; if somebody summarily executed every cop who planted shit and framed people and lied and abused their authority, like, reformed their brain matter with a gun to the temple, the whole affair would be reformed real quick. Call it something different for every shallow grave dug, thesauruses are fun.


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