ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad


I learned a long time ago not to debate people who ignore evidence or who won’t provide any to back up half baked claims. Save your time

Yeah, I’ve said before that Everything Is Wrong and any day is a good day to protest, but Lord have mercy if I was a little dumber and crazier I’d be believing a conspiracy that this is all an op to sabotage the movement. Maybe it’s just this morning after the discourse of having people trying to gaslight me into not seeing a person was trying to stab the shit out of another person but this feels like active sabotage.

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The only thing that stops a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a knife?

This won’t necessarily help your argument, but our local FOP has been saying this exact thing and it’s just a lie.

My bad, I meant people out on the web, not here in the clubhouse. But yeah you must be skimming hard because I’m firmly on Team Something Other Than A Gun and I think it’s fairly easy to make the argument that killing the girl wasn’t necessary while still acknowledging that the girl was trying to stab the shit out of the other girl and something needed to happen. Some of these descriptions I’ve seen are orwellian doublespeak.


I think the tactical mistake is playing into the notion that we have to evaluate these things on the split second basis rather than the big picture because then you either have to agree this was a “good shot” tm (in the context of our times) or blatantly ignore the individual reality of the split second situation to stay consistent with your broader point (police generally should be shooting far fewer people).

It’s the trolley problem set up that’s so infuriating. Your asking me whether I pull the lever in this spot? I want to know who is building these trolleys and sending them down the track at people. And if we can’t get at the trolley manufacturers yet then it’s time to build a few more switch points into our rail system so we can divert this trolley before it gets to the lines with people on them.


“who built the trolley” is a great question. Literally. Have your friends switch to that before they harm their own cause.

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I mean I’m not sure what you think I’m in charge of, but yes if everyone agreed to just do what I say the world would be a far better place.

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I don’t really think it’s inconsistent to say the cop probably made the right decision in the moment but also the police should be defunded/restructured.


I think it will make the girl stop what she is doing. Are you saying it is going to fall and hit someone?

I think the easiest way to look at these scenarios is to ask yourself what would have happened differently if the person was white. My honest opinion, is that she doesn’t get shot.


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When ACAB there is no material difference in the killings. By definition.

That’s a pretty bad example, though.

Consider that funding can be both re-allocated AND increased.

The call is coming from inside the house.

The last thing we need to do is push more money into a system that is broken way beyond repair.

Not saying we don’t need to spend more money on ‘police’ but that money obviously needs to be spent on alternative police options. I propose we call them ‘charter police departments’ for the troll value.

I know it’s going to draw a lot of boos and hisses from the rest of the board, but I didn’t hate the basic idea of charter schools and think that even if passed Biden’s education plan will accomplish basically nothing. Any additional money he sends to poor schools will be matched with funding decreases from the state and local governments plus we’ll just be sending more money to a hugely flawed school system built to produce factory workers we no longer need. (obviously I disagree strongly with how the charter schools actually got implemented which was mixing what didn’t work in public schools with the profit motive)

Honestly a lot of these late 19th early 20th century institutions are past their expiration date after going through 12 generations of the iron law of institutions. We’d be better off if we started over on schools, police, and healthcare. All three are a total shit show.

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You know what kind of alternative options we could spend money on besides police? An actual social safety net.


Yeah this would be a good place to put the money instead of ancient institutions built to solve problems we no longer have.


I’ve been at this game a long time, I know the call’s are coming from inside the house quite often.

That’s how the right gets so much mileage from judo flipping left talking points. There’s no burly left collective voice to check them. Just a bunch of kiddie pool shitlibs performing. And then those same kiddie poolers say shit like, “OMG you sound like the right,” and I’m like no shit, where do you think they stole that criticism from.