ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Just a note. Pulling a gun with the intent to menace is big a legal use of concealed carry.

You can’t draw your weapon to scare or intimidate someone. The only reason to draw one’s weapon is to murder another human being. That is the training. It’s actually illegal in most places to flash your concealed weapon.

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We definitely need some sort of standardized procedure. Perhaps even a task force made up of non police Weiss whole jobs are to investigate police shootings.

The system we have now is crazy where they mostly investigate themselves and if enough noise is made they have their friend investigate them.

Yeah. Same thing with warning shots. Even more so shooting to wound, if you’re trying to use sub-lethal force with a firearm it can put you in legal jeopardy because it admits that you didn’t necessarily perceive a lethal threat and you’re using lethal force, even if you’re trying to wound. All the training is binary, either don’t take your gun out or shoot to kill.

Like Bruce said. When they shoot the goal is to kill. It’s not to get them to drop the knife, it is to make them cease to exist.

That is why the bar for what triggers a shooting needs to be extraordinarily high. But the police are massive failures in that regard. The general public does a seemingly better job.

That being said I am on the side that this was probably justified. They shoot until they are convinced they are dead.

A really common question for police and concealed wespon training is “Can you shoot to injure? Can you try and shoot the weapon out of their hand?” The answer to all these sorts of questions is going to be no.

It all goes back to why you are drawing your gun in the first place. (This I zone area where police and citizens differ a lot. Police can draw their weapons without intending to fire them. This might need to be reconsidered as when an officer pulls his weapon he has automatically upped the serious quotient by 20000%). I also think this flips police into a mindset where shooting / murder becomes highly likely and they have reduced the friction of doing so massively. Maybe if police were not drawing their guns except to actually fire it might help lower the temperature of situations.

I have to believe the odds of a police officer firing his gun while drawing down on someone is significantly higher than when the gun is in their holster. Most situations where police draw their guns are probably not helped by the police saying “Now we will murder you don’t screw up”.

I certainly understand why the police are so eager to get their guns out but it is going to escalate a situation. 109% of the time and if we are trying to focus on deescalation and control then there needs to be a serious review of all these things. Almost everything police do in a given encounter seemingly escalates it.

Also why I support abolishment of police with a rebuilding of a much smaller and narrowly focused force. I don’t see how 95% of police working today could function in an environment where the goal is always deescalation abs not escalation.

Unless you’re a cop

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In every personal encounter I’ve had and 99% of all videos I’ve watched of police interactions they escalate. It’s as if they have zero training on de-escalating a situation or are specifically told not to. The primary first goal should be to de-escalate

Also, my training taught that there are times when you absolutely can shoot to injure rather than kill. If someone is charging you (with a weapon or without). Someone can close the gap and reach you remarkably fast even from 6 to 10 feet away and are capable of taking several more steps even with a sizable hole in their gut or chest cavity. In that scenario, I’ve been trained to aim for the pelvis because the very next step you’ll take with a shattered pelvis will be on the ground. The same holds true for stopping someone from charging someone else. Not saying it would’ve worked in this case because she appeared already on top of her victim, but perhaps if he fired sooner? I don’t know

My cousin’s ex-husband is an Escondido police officer and certified gun nut. He literally had a gun stashed in every room in their house “for protection” on top of a gun locker in his garage with several more.

I’ve always believed that he’s one day end up involved in a questionable shooting case. No idea if he’s the shooter but wouldn’t surprise me at all if it was.

f that guy and don’t waste your time (and emotional capital)


I’m saying, how in the fuck do you

make a random right-wing anti-vax twitterer chud look like

a goddamn voice of reason and nuance? The same type of chud who’d post shit like this:

If I wanted to make a sentiment/group/movement look like a bunch of histrionic lunatics who are only accidentally right some of the time, I couldn’t have scripted this shit better. Really, on the same day as the Chauvin verdict, the most murderest police murder ever caught on tape, there’s a vid released of the least murderest murder ever caught on tape, and all the smoothbrains on the left can’t tell the difference? I’ve made it clear I think the cops shouldn’t have shot the young girl but I at least grasp there’s something objectively different on the surface if nowhere else. Project Veritas has wet dreams thinking about something so perfect.


Lol sorry but the professor getting his hashtag game on triggered me.

In a situation where it’s legal to shoot someone in self-defense, I would think it’s also legal to point a gun at them without shooting. Besides, I’d rather be in prison than dead. (Not that I carry a gun, just saying.)

You can’t nail him on facts because he’s not presenting you with a target.

You troll back at him. I’d find ways to attack Sam Harris and support critical race theory without directly engaging him, with the goal of trying to make him mad.

And you respond directly to the gullible people that you think he is duping, while ignoring him. If you do engage him, talk down to him and make clear that you don’t consider him to be human.


If they don’t use all of the weapons they have this year they won’t be able to get a budget increase next year!


lol I’m curious as to what YOU think happens to a bullet that’s “shot into the air”? I mean… I know what does, but I think I’d really enjoy hearing you working it out.

Brandishing a firearm is illegal in most places. Specific laws cover actually shooting someone in self defense. I do not think any of those laws cover brandishing a firearm,

I certainly would strongly advise against it. Even if it was extended it would be under the same condition that you or someone else are under imminent threat of death / serious bodily injury. I think that case is much harder to make brandishing a gun unless you or someone else dies or is seriously injured.

I am not confident a legal argument that by brandishing a gun you stopped the imminent threat would succeed. Yeah it.

I was wrong about the law in Texas, brandishing is not illegal in Texas. Instead:

Texas does not have a “ brandishing ” law, only one related to disorderly conduct. So just having the gun out is not a crime. It’s “how” you have it out that’s important. If you point the gun at someone, that’s assault with a deadly weapon .

I wouldn’t recommend anyone having a gun for self defense who isn’t prepared to kill someone.

It’s a tough burden to bear and most people who have guns or conceal permits do not consider it nearly enough.

I had a conceal permit for a while. No longer do. It’s a pretty hefty responsibility if you treat it seriously and can create a great deal of anxiety when I already have enough of that to deal with

Fortunately there hasn’t been a situation where I would have needed one so I am glad for that.

This is one of the reasons why removing licensing requirements for concealed weapons is insane. At least you have to pass a base knowledge course on guns and gun safety while also passing a practical exam (this is I. Texas).

Is this thorough enough? No. Is it one million times better than anyone being able to do it all the time? In my opinion yes.

Regardless if you are licensed or not police can still use it as a pretense to murder a person.


Ignore my previous posts, the obvious solution is for the cop to match weapon for weapon and pull out his knife. That’s just gentleman’s rules right there.


It’s like they’re framing it in such a way to intentionally get dunked on. They’re point shaving.


They’re out here clowning.

They’re triple reverse black lives mattering people.